

React Upload Gallery

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A simple library that lets you create an image gallery, change the order of images, select the highlighted image, and customize it as you like.


npm install react-upload-gallery


yarn add react-upload-gallery




import RUG from 'react-upload-gallery'

// Add style manually
import 'react-upload-gallery/dist/style.css' // or scss

  action="/api/upload" // upload route
  source={response => response.source} // response image source


<img src="https://github.com/m-inan/react-upload-gallery/blob/master/images/screenshot.png?raw=true" width="100%">


React Upload Gallery Prepares your images for the gallery on a React-based application. You can change the user interface by using the features available on all topics. Like re-creating video cards or writing browser APi requests privately. You can carry these features wherever you want thanks to ready-made components. <DragArea /> and <DropArea /> components header, footer and childnode can use the features you can use.

With these you can determine the limit, size, maximum and minimum width and length of the images and prevent them from loading. You can display the appropriate message with two parameters, (key, rules), using onWarning to warn the blocked images.

It can be used to inquire, display in modal, or display a message before it is deleted using features like onConfirmDelete, onDeleted, onClick, onSuccess.

A library that will make things easier within the React framework for galleries used for an article, product or advertisement system in general. You can set rules, track errors, make a special request, and customize all features.

Quick Referance


actionStringemptyRoute to upload.
classNameStringemptyClasses to add to the parent component.
ssrSupportBooleanfalseWith `true 'you can hide components on the service side.
inOrderBooleanfalseWith true adding can be done sequentially.
autoUploadBooleantrueAutomatic upload after files are selected.
sendObject{}In addition to the base64 or blob URL data sent with the name data, different values can be sent.
headersObject{}The data sent here is added to the Request Headers.
styleObject{}Added to the parent component as a style property
acceptArray['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif']It will block files sent outside the types of the requested types
initialStateArray[]Existing data is added to the state of type `[{source: 'image url', name: '...'}].
typeStringcardThere are two different display options available in the package. These are card and list
sortingBoolean OR ObjecttrueYou can turn off sorting or customize it using false. Sorting
headerBoolean OR FunctiontrueYou can close or add a custom holder. function({ images, accept, uploadFiles, openDialogue })
footerBoolean Or Functionfalsefunction({ images, accept, uploadFiles, openDialogue })
rulesObjectnullsize, limit, width, height features can be limited. Rules
customRequestFunctionnullYou can customize the http request in your own way. CustomRequest
sourceFunctionnullEnter the url of the photo from the returned answer. (response) => response.url
aliasFunctionnullCan include the data of the image to be loaded in the object and change its name. (response) => ({ id: response.imageID, slug: response.slug })
onSuccessFunctionemptyReturn for uploaded image. function(image)
onWarningFunctionemptyReturns elements that do not conform to rules created in accept or rules. Rules
onDeletedFunctionemptyReturns the information of the deleted image. function(image)
onChangeFunctionemptyWorks when application starts and any state changes.
onSortEndFunctionemptyIt works when the position of pictures changes. function(images, { oldIndex, newIndex })
onErrorFunctionemptyReturns status, response if http request fails. function({ status, response, image })
onClickFunctionemptyKeeps clicks on the display card. onClick
onConfirmDeleteFunctionemptyAttempting to delete the image will ask you one last time. onConfirmDelete


Options for this feature can be found at this address. Sorting Props

<RUG sorting={false} />
// OR
<RUG sorting={{ lockAxis: 'x' }} />


Images that do not comply with the specified rules will be eliminated during loading. Eliminated images will be returned in File format with the rules used in the type parameter.

    limit: 10,
    size: 20,
    width: {
      min: 1280,
      max: 1920,
    height: {
      min: 720,
      max: 1080

  accept={['jpg', 'jpeg']}

  onWarning={(type, rules) => {
    switch(type) {
      case 'accept':
        console.log(`Only ${rules.accept.join(', ')}`)

      case 'limit':
        console.log('limit <= ', rules.limit)

      case 'size':
        console.log('max size <= ', rules.size)

      case 'minWidth': case 'minHeight':
        console.log('Dimensions > ', `${rules.width.min}x${rules.height.min}`)

      case 'maxWidth': case 'maxHeight':
        console.log('Dimensions < ', `${rules.width.max}x${rules.height.max}`)



With this feature, you can make the request more easily and how the values should be sent. The request in the package sends the data object received with blob as Content-Type: Application / json. In some cases, APIs may request data as a file or as a blob. In the case of a font that must be returned, the first parameter must be fixed as uid. onError is fully optional. Axios Example

    data, // blob
  }) => {
    const response = { url: '...' }

    onProgress(uid, response)
    onSuccess(uid, response)
    onError(uid, {

    return {
      abort() {
        // for cancels the request

  source={response => response.url}


With this feature, any changes work when a new image is added, deleted, or changed in order. The package will run once when it first starts.

  onChange={(images) => {
    this.setState({ images }) // save current component


You can use it to hold clicks on the image. For example, you can save the sent parameter in state and use select, remove, abort, refresh functions.

  onClick={(image) => this.setState({ image })}


A nice solution to check the image one last time before it is deleted. Returns true 'by default. This confirms the deletion. You can return Promise` data in the function.

  onConfirmDelete={(currentImage, images) => {
    return window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')

OR Promise alternative.

  onConfirmDelete={(currentImage, images) => {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      // For example, you can affect the loading screen here
      this.setState({ loading: true })
      setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 1000)


import RUG, { DragArea, DropArea, Card, List } from 'react-upload-gallery'


Thanks to the DragArea component you can import elements from the callback if you want to create a special image. To use the features [here] (https://github.com/clauderic/react-sortable-hoc#prop-types) you can look.

  <DragArea {...props}>
    (image) => <div>
      <img src={image.source} alt={image.name} />


You can use the DropArea component in header, footer or children properties. It will load the dropped images. You can check that the installation was attempted from the first parameter.

  header={({ openDialogue }) => (
      (isDrag) => <div style={{ background: isDrag ? 'yellow' : '#fff' }}>
        <button onClick={openDialogue}>Open</button>


Not many customizable features are available for the Card component. But if you want, you can add a few different features within a div tag.

    (image) => (
        <Card image={image} />

        <button onClick={image.select}>Select Active</button>


    (image) => <List image={image} />


You can design images in different formats using ReactNode or Function types. If you are using DragArea the images will be returned with callback already. But if you are not using Children for a Function by turning back all the pictures you can get. It is also possible to reach several options with the second parameter.

  (images) => (
      images.map(image => (
            <img src={image.source} />


  <DropArea> // handle drop files on list of images
    (isDrag) => (
        (image) => (
            <img src={image.source} />


React Upload Gallery needs react-sortable-hoc package.

Reporting Issues

If believe you've found an issue, please report it along with any relevant details to reproduce it. The easiest way to do so is to fork the react-sortable-hoc basic setup sandbox on CodeSandbox:

Asking for help

Please do not use the issue tracker for personal support requests. Instead, use StackOverflow.


Yes please! Feature requests / pull requests are welcome.