


<p align="center"> šŸ“ƒ <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.05977" target="_blank">Paper</a> ā€¢ šŸ–¼ <a href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/THUDM/ImageRewardDB" target="_blank">Dataset</a> ā€¢ šŸŒ <a href="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/639494251" target="_blank">äø­ę–‡åšå®¢</a> ā€¢ šŸ¤— <a href="https://huggingface.co/THUDM/ImageReward" target="_blank">HF Repo</a> ā€¢ šŸ¦ <a href="https://twitter.com/thukeg" target="_blank">Twitter</a> <br> </p>

ImageReward: Learning and Evaluating Human Preferences for Text-to-Image Generation

šŸ”„News! The paper of ImageReward is accepted by NeurIPS 2023!

ImageReward is the first general-purpose text-to-image human preference RM, which is trained on in total 137k pairs of expert comparisons, outperforming existing text-image scoring methods, such as CLIP (by 38.6%), Aesthetic (by 39.6%), and BLIP (by 31.6%), in terms of understanding human preference in text-to-image synthesis.

Additionally, we introduce Reward Feedback Learning (ReFL) for direct optimizing a text-to-image diffusion model using ImageReward. ReFL-tuned Stable Diffusion wins against untuned version by 58.4% in human evaluation.

Both ImageReward and ReFL are all packed up to Python image-reward package now!

PyPI Downloads

Try image-reward package in only 3 lines of code for ImageReward scoring!

# pip install image-reward
import ImageReward as RM
model = RM.load("ImageReward-v1.0")

rewards = model.score("<prompt>", ["<img1_obj_or_path>", "<img2_obj_or_path>", ...])

Try image-reward package in only 4 lines of code for ReFL fine-tuning!

# pip install image-reward
# pip install diffusers==0.16.0 accelerate==0.16.0 datasets==2.11.0
from ImageReward import ReFL
args = ReFL.parse_args()
trainer = ReFL.Trainer("CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4", "data/refl_data.json", args=args)

If you find ImageReward's open-source effort useful, please šŸŒŸ us to encourage our following developement!

<p align="center"> <img src="figures/ImageReward.jpg" width="700px"> </p>

Quick Start

Install Dependency

We have integrated the whole repository to a single python package image-reward. Following the commands below to prepare the environment:

# Clone the ImageReward repository (containing data for testing)
git clone https://github.com/THUDM/ImageReward.git
cd ImageReward

# Install the integrated package `image-reward`
pip install image-reward

Example Use

We provide example images in the assets/images directory of this repo. The example prompt is:

a painting of an ocean with clouds and birds, day time, low depth field effect

Use the following code to get the human preference scores from ImageReward:

import os
import torch
import ImageReward as RM

if __name__ == "__main__":
    prompt = "a painting of an ocean with clouds and birds, day time, low depth field effect"
    img_prefix = "assets/images"
    generations = [f"{pic_id}.webp" for pic_id in range(1, 5)]
    img_list = [os.path.join(img_prefix, img) for img in generations]
    model = RM.load("ImageReward-v1.0")
    with torch.no_grad():
        ranking, rewards = model.inference_rank(prompt, img_list)
        # Print the result
        print("\nPreference predictions:\n")
        print(f"ranking = {ranking}")
        print(f"rewards = {rewards}")
        for index in range(len(img_list)):
            score = model.score(prompt, img_list[index])
            print(f"{generations[index]:>16s}: {score:.2f}")

The output should be like as follow (the exact numbers may be slightly different depending on the compute device):

Preference predictions:

ranking = [1, 2, 3, 4]
rewards = [[0.5811622738838196], [0.2745276093482971], [-1.4131819009780884], [-2.029569625854492]]
          1.webp: 0.58
          2.webp: 0.27
          3.webp: -1.41
          4.webp: -2.03


Install Dependency

pip install diffusers==0.16.0 accelerate==0.16.0 datasets==2.11.0

Example Use

We provide example dataset for ReFL in the data/refl_data.json of this repo. Run ReFL as following:

bash scripts/train_refl.sh

Demos of ImageReward and ReFL

<p align="center"> <img src="figures/Demo.jpg" width="700px"> </p>

Training code for ImageReward

  1. Download data: šŸ–¼ <a href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/THUDM/ImageRewardDB" target="_blank">Dataset</a>.

  2. Make dataset.

cd train
python src/make_dataset.py
  1. Set training config: train/src/config/config.yaml

  2. One command to train.

bash scripts/train_one_node.sh

Integration into Stable Diffusion Web UI

We have developed a custom script to integrate ImageReward into SD Web UI for a convenient experience.

The script is located at sdwebui/image_reward.py in this repository.

The usage of the script is described as follows:

  1. Install: put the custom script into the stable-diffusion-webui/scripts/ directory
  2. Reload: restart the service, or click the "Reload custom script" button at the bottom of the settings tab of SD Web UI. (If the button can't be found, try clicking the "Show all pages" button at the bottom of the left sidebar.)
  3. Select: go back to the "txt2img"/"img2img" tab, and select "ImageReward - generate human preference scores" from the "Script" dropdown menu in the lower left corner.
  4. Run: the specific usage varies depending on the functional requirements, as described in the "Features" section below.


Score generated images and append to image information

  1. Do not check the "Filter out images with low scores" checkbox.
  2. Click the "Generate" button to generate images.
  3. Check the ImageReward at the bottom of the image information below the gallery.
Demo video


Automatically filter out images with low scores

  1. Check the "Filter out images with low scores" checkbox.
  2. Enter the score lower limit in "Lower score limit". (ImageReward roughly follows the standard normal distribution, with a mean of 0 and a variance of 1.)
  3. Click the "Generate" button to generate images.
  4. Images with scores below the lower limit will be automatically filtered out and will not appear in the gallery.
  5. Check the ImageReward at the bottom of the image information below the gallery.
Demo video


View the scores of images that have been scored

  1. Upload the scored image file in the "PNG Info" tab
  2. Check the image information on the right with the score of the image at the bottom.
<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/98524878/233829640-12190bff-f62b-4160-b05d-29624fa83677.jpg" width="700px"> </p>

Other Features

Memory Management


How to adjust the Python environment used by the SD Web UI (e.g. reinstall a package)?

Note that SD Web UI has two ways to set up its Python environment:

After activating the right Python environment, just do what you want to do true to form.

Reproduce Experiments in Table 1

<p align="center"> <img alt="Table_1_in_paper" src="figures/Table_1_in_paper.png" width="700px"> </p>

Note: The experimental results are produced in an environment that satisfies:

Run the following script to automatically download data, baseline models, and run experiments:

bash ./scripts/test-benchmark.sh

Then you can check the results in benchmark/results/ or the terminal.

If you want to check the raw data files individually:

Reproduce Experiments in Table 3

<p align="center"> <img src="figures/Table_3_in_paper.png" width="700px"> </p>

Run the following script to automatically download data, baseline models, and run experiments:

bash ./scripts/test.sh

If you want to check the raw data files individually:


      title={ImageReward: Learning and Evaluating Human Preferences for Text-to-Image Generation},
      author={Jiazheng Xu and Xiao Liu and Yuchen Wu and Yuxuan Tong and Qinkai Li and Ming Ding and Jie Tang and Yuxiao Dong},