

<p align="center"> <img src="assets/logo2.png"/> </p> <p align="center"> <b>Generate vivid Images for Chinese / English text</b> </p>

CogView2 is a hierarchical transformer (6B-9B-9B parameters) for text-to-image generation in general domain. This implementation is based on the SwissArmyTransformer library (v0.2).

  title={CogView2: Faster and Better Text-to-Image Generation via Hierarchical Transformers},
  author={Ding, Ming and Zheng, Wendi and Hong, Wenyi and Tang, Jie},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.14217},

Web Demo

Getting Started


git clone https://github.com/Sleepychord/Image-Local-Attention
cd Image-Local-Attention && python setup.py install

If you don't install this kernel, you can also run the first stage (20*20 tokens) via --only-first-stage for text-to-image generation.


Our code will automatically download or detect the models into the path defined by envrionment variable SAT_HOME. You can download from here and place them (folders named coglm/cogview2-dsr/cogview2-itersr) under SAT_HOME.

Text-to-Image Generation

./text2image.sh --input-source input.txt

Arguments useful in inference are mainly:

You'd better specify a environment variable SAT_HOME to specify the path to store the downloaded model.

Chinese input is usually much better than English input.

Text-guided Completion

./text_guided_completion.sh --input-source input_comp.txt

The format of input is text image_path h0 w0 h1 w1, where all the separation are TAB (NOT space). The image at image_path will be center-cropped to 480*480 pixels and mask the square from (h0,w0)to (h1,w1). These coordinations are range from 0 to 1. The model will fill the square with object described in text. Please use a square much larger than the desired region.
<img width="741" alt="comp_pipeline" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9153807/174002452-3670850f-b234-4515-8ac8-2971de26f78a.png">

