

CrossNet++: Cross-Scale Large-Parallax Warping for Reference-Based Super-Resolution

This repo contains the implementation of the 'CrossNet++: Cross-Scale Large-Parallax Warping for Reference-Based Super-Resolution'. The improvements include multistage warping, keypoint guidence as well as extend real-world training set using hikvision dual camera.

This is a project from LuVision SIGMA, Tsinghua University. Visit our website for more interesting works: http://www.luvision.net/


This project is released under the GPLv3 license. We only allow free use for academic use. For commercial use, please contact us to negotiate a different license by: fanglu at tsinghua.edu.cn


Install Envs and Libs

conda env create -f env.yaml

Download pretrained_models

  1. download pretrained_models from OneDrive
  2. move downloaded pretrained_models into source root
    - evalutation
    - ...
    - pretrained_models
      - dual_camera
        - CP250000.pth
        - ...

Inference Only

python evaluation/eval.py

Training from scratch

  1. prepare an hdf5 file (the same as crossnet), which contains /img_HR, /img_LR, /img_MDSR, /img_LR_upsample. /img_HR is used as reference input and ground truth, /img_LR is used as low resolution input, /img_MDSR is the MDSR upsampled image, and /img_LR_upsample is bicubically upsampled image. (Different from the original paper, in this version of code, we use Flownet with bicubically upsampled image and reference image to generate optical flow)
  2. sh train/train.sh


Please cite our paper if you find it useful.

  title={Crossnet: An end-to-end reference-based super resolution network using cross-scale warping},
  author={Zheng, Haitian and Ji, Mengqi and Wang, Haoqian and Liu, Yebin and Fang, Lu},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV)},
  title={Crossnet++: Cross-scale large-parallax warping for reference-based super-resolution},
  author={Tan, Yang and Zheng, Haitian and Zhu, Yinheng and Yuan, Xiaoyun and Lin, Xing and Brady, David and Fang, Lu},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},