

Cooper: Testing the Binding Code of Scripting Languages with Cooperative Mutation

Cooper utilize cooperative mutation to test the binding code of scripting languages to find memory-safe issues. Cooperative mutation simultaneously modifies the script code and the related document objects to explore various code paths of the binding code. To support cooperative mutation, we infer the relationship between script code and document objects to guide the two-dimensional mutation. We applied our tool Cooper on three popular commercial software, Adobe Acrobat, Foxit Reader and Microsoft Word. Cooper detected 134 previously unknown bugs, which resulted in 33 CVE entries and 22K bug bounties. Cooper has three components:

The overview of Cooper is illustrated by the diagram below.

<p align="center"> <img src="images/overview.png" width="96%" alt="The overview of Cooper" border="1"> </p>

For more details, please check our paper published in the 29th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2022).

Installation & Run



Collecting PDF/Word samples

You need to prepare some PDF (Word) samples and place them in a folder which will be used as sample_dir. The number of PDF (Word) samples should be between 10,000 to 20,000. We have prepared 200 PDF samples in DropBox, and 214 word samples in DropBox. You can test with these small samples, but for better results, use more samples.


$ python PdfSolution.py/WordSolution.py <sample_dir> <data_dir> <output_dir> <generate_cnt>
  <sample_dir>:   the absolute path of raw pdf samples folder
  <data_dir>:     the absolute path for mid data folder
  <output_dir>:   the absolute path for folder storing generated samples
  <generate_cnt>: the amount how many input Cooper will generate



Cooper: Testing the Binding Code of Scripting Languages with Cooperative Mutation

  title        = {{Cooper: Testing the Binding Code of Scripting Languages with Cooperative Mutation (To Appear)}},
  author       = {Peng Xu and Yanhao Wang and Hong Hu and Purui Su},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 29th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2022)},
  month        = {apr},
  year         = {2022},
  address      = {San Diego, CA},