SegmentedButtonGroup is like iOS Segmented Controls for Xamarin.Forms
This is the component, works on iOS, Android and UWP.
<a href="#"> <img border="0" src="Resources/sample.png" width="400" alt="SocialNetworkApp" /></a>NuGet
Name | Info |
SegmentedButton |
Platform Support
SegmentedButton is a .NET Standard 2.0 library.Its only dependency is the Xamarin.Forms
install the package in the shared project
in the Xaml file we must declare our control xmlns:sb="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.SegmentedButton;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.SegmentedButton", for example .
<sb:SegmentedButtonControl DefaultColor="#E06F23" SelectedColor="Black" SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedIndex, Mode=TwoWay}" CornerRadius="5" HeightRequest="50" Margin="8, 8, 8, 0">
<Style TargetType="Label">
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="12" />
<Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="Bold" />
<sb:SegmentedButton Title="None" />
<sb:SegmentedButton Title="First"/>
<sb:SegmentedButton Title="Second"/>
The complete example can be downloaded here: