


A Sony PlayStation Portable platform integration for GOG Galaxy 2.0


How to Install:

  1. Download the .zip from the Releases section, and extract the contents into your installed plugins folder. If you are on Windows, it will be at %localappdata%\GOG.com\Galaxy\plugins\installed

  2. Configure the plugin by editing the config.py file, and providing the desired paths and files.

The games list (PSP-list.txt)

Please provide a .txt file, with one game title on each line. These names must match exactly the format of the No-Intro .dat file you are using (with one exception detailed below), the included PSP-list.txt contains an example. By default, the plugin will look in its own directory for this file, but you can specify a different path in config.py

Exception for titles containing an "&" character: These titles will appear in the .dat file with the ampersand written out as &, however, in the PSP-list.txt (and the name of your .iso file, if you want it to be a local game), it must be a single "&" character.

This list can be generated by:

The games index (PSP.dat)

This plugin uses a No-Intro Sony PlayStation Portable .dat file as an index to prepare a game id (using the serial) and title, in order to add it to your Library. Both numbered and not numbered formats are supported. By default, the PSP.dat in the plugin directory uses the numbered format. If desired, an alternate .dat and path can be specified in config.py.

The game titles on the game list MUST match the full names in the .dat being used, unless they contain an "&", in which case the & in the .dat name will be matched against a single "&" character in the name on the game list.

Two recent .dat files (numbered and non numbered) are included, but more specific ones may be downloaded from datomatic.no-intro.org

Local/"Installed" games and emulation

Using config.py, you can specify a path to a directory of games that will be considered as local games/Installed by Galaxy. You may also specify a path to the executable of the emulator of your choice.

Please note that, in order to support launching them with this plugin, the games must be .iso files (not inside archives), and they must be named according to the .dat you have used. The one exception is titles that contain an "&" character, detailed above.

Known Issues/Caveats:

Games database related issues


This is heavily based on my first plugin, for the Nintendo DS platform, so many thanks again to AHCoder and TheMas3212.