This is a polynomial commitment implementation refer to Hyrax based on BLS12-381 implemented by mcl. The underline operations of scalar and group element refers to OpenSSL. This scheme is particularly for multi-linear extension of an array.
You can use this polynomial commitment in this way:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// Include the header
#include <hyrax-bls12-381/polyCommit.hpp>
#define F Fr // This is the field on which the polynomial is defined.
#define G G1 // BLS12-381 is friendly to pairing, but here we only use G1.
#define F_ONE (Fr::one())
#define F_ZERO (Fr(0))
int main() {
u64 n = 1 << 10;
int logn = 10;
// Initialize the polynomial coefficients and evaluation point.
vector<F> polynomial(n), eval_point(logn);
for (auto &x: polynomial) x.setByCSPRNG();
for (auto &x: eval_point) x.setByCSPRNG();
// Initialize the structure setting.
// Generate the generators used in Hyrax.
u64 n_sqrt = 1ULL << (logn - (logn >> 1));
vector<G> gens(n_sqrt);
for (auto &x: gens) {
F tmp;
x = mcl::bn::getG1basePoint() * tmp;
// Initialize the prover.
hyrax_bls12_381::polyProver poly_p(polynomial, gens);
// Calculate the evaluation
F eval_value = poly_p.evaluate(eval_point);
// Initialize the verifier and verify the evaluation value.
hyrax_bls12_381::polyVerifier poly_v(poly_p, gens);
if (poly_v.verify(eval_point, eval_value)) std::cout << "Correct!" << std::endl;
else std::cout << "Incorrect!" << std::endl;
return 0;
Doubly-efficient zksnarks without trusted setup. Wahby, R. S., Tzialla, I., Shelat, A., Thaler, J., & Walfish, M. (S&P 2018)