

Vision-based Teleoperation of Shadow Dexterous Hand using End-to-End Deep Neural Network

Venue: ICRA 2019

Author's mail : sli@informatik.uni-hamburg.de, jeasinema@gmail.com

This package produces visually similar robot hand poses based on depth images of the human hand in an end-to-end fashion, which is a collaborative work done by TAMS and Fucun Sun's lab of Tsinghua University.

The special structure of TeachNet, combined with a consistency loss function, handles the differences in appearance and anatomy between human and robotic hands. A synchronized human-robot training set is generated from an existing dataset of labeled depth images of the human hand and from simulated depth images of a robotic hand.

Please cite this paper (Vision-based Teleoperation of Shadow Dexterous Hand using End-to-End Deep Neural Network), if you use our released code.

<img src="img/pipeline.svg" width="100%">


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1FTJ87CtDs " target="_blank"><img src="img/video.png" alt="video" border="0" /></a>

Installation Instructions


ROS Dependency

Python Dependency

Camera Drive


Dataset Generation

Model Training

Pretrained Models:

RealsenseF200 Realtime Demo


If you use this work(collobrated with ), please cite:

  title={Vision-based Teleoperation of Shadow Dexterous Hand using End-to-End Deep Neural Network},
  author={Li, Shuang and Ma, Xiaojian and Liang, Hongzhuo and G{\"o}rner, Michael and Ruppel, Philipp and Fang, Bing and Sun, Fuchun and Zhang, Jianwei},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},