

Process Monitor for Linux (Preview) Build Status

Process Monitor (Procmon) is a Linux reimagining of the classic Procmon tool from the Sysinternals suite of tools for Windows. Procmon provides a convenient and efficient way for Linux developers to trace the syscall activity on the system.

Procmon in use

Installation & Usage


Install Procmon

Please see installation instructions here.

Build Procmon

Please see build instructions here.


Usage: procmon [OPTIONS]
      -h/--help                Prints this help screen
      -p/--pids                Comma separated list of process IDs to monitor
      -e/--events              Comma separated list of system calls to monitor
      -c/--collect [FILEPATH]  Option to start Procmon in a headless mode
      -f/--file FILEPATH       Open a Procmon trace file
      -l/--log FILEPATH        Log debug traces to file


The following traces all processes and syscalls on the system:

sudo procmon

The following traces processes with process id 10 and 20:

sudo procmon -p 10,20

The following traces process 20 only syscalls read, write and open at:

sudo procmon -p 20 -e read,write,openat

The following traces process 35 and opens Procmon in headless mode to output all captured events to file procmon.db:

sudo procmon -p 35 -c procmon.db

The following opens a Procmon tracefile, procmon.db, within the Procmon TUI:

sudo procmon -f procmon.db



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Please see also our Code of Conduct.


Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT License.