

Synology CSI Driver for Kubernetes

The official Container Storage Interface driver for Synology NAS.

Container Images & Kubernetes Compatibility

Driver Name: csi.san.synology.com

Driver VersionImageSupported K8s Version

The Synology CSI driver supports:




  1. Before installing the CSI driver, make sure you have created and initialized at least one storage pool and one volume on your DSM.
  2. Make sure that all the worker nodes in your Kubernetes cluster can connect to your DSM.
  3. After you complete the steps below, the full deployment of the CSI driver, including the snapshotter, will be installed. If you don’t need the Snapshot feature, you can install the basic deployment of the CSI driver instead.


  1. Clone the git repository. git clone https://github.com/SynologyOpenSource/synology-csi.git

  2. Enter the directory. cd synology-csi

  3. Copy the client-info-template.yml file. cp config/client-info-template.yml config/client-info.yml

  4. Edit config/client-info.yml to configure the connection information for DSM. You can specify one or more storage systems on which the CSI volumes will be created. Change the following parameters as needed:

    • host: The IPv4 address of your DSM.
    • port: The port for connecting to DSM. The default HTTP port is 5000 and 5001 for HTTPS. Only change this if you use a different port.
    • https: Set "true" to use HTTPS for secure connections. Make sure the port is properly configured as well.
    • username, password: The credentials for connecting to DSM.
  5. Install

    • YAML Run ./scripts/deploy.sh run to install the driver. This will be a full deployment, which means you'll be building and running all CSI services as well as the snapshotter. If you want a basic deployment, which doesn't include installing a snapshotter, change the command as instructed below.

      • full: ./scripts/deploy.sh run
      • basic: ./scripts/deploy.sh build && ./scripts/deploy.sh install --basic

      If you don’t need to build the driver locally and want to pull the image from Docker instead, run the command as instructed below.

      • full: ./scripts/deploy.sh install --all
      • basic: ./scripts/deploy.sh install --basic

      Running the bash script will:

      • Create a namespace named "synology-csi". This is where the driver will be installed.
      • Create a secret named "client-info-secret" using the credentials from the client-info.yml you configured in the previous step.
      • Build a local image and deploy the CSI driver.
      • Create a default storage class named "synology-iscsi-storage" that uses the "Retain" policy.
      • Create a volume snapshot class named "synology-snapshotclass" that uses the "Delete" policy. (Full deployment only)
    • HELM (Local Development)

      1. kubectl create ns synology-csi
      2. kubectl create secret -n synology-csi generic client-info-secret --from-file=./config/client-info.yml
      3. cd deploy/helm; make up
  6. Check if the status of all pods of the CSI driver is Running. kubectl get pods -n synology-csi

CSI Driver Configuration

Storage classes and the secret are required for the CSI driver to function properly. This section explains how to do the following things:

  1. Create the storage system secret (This is not mandatory because deploy.sh will complete all the configurations when you configure the config file mentioned previously.)
  2. Configure storageclasses
  3. Configure volumesnapshotclasses

Creating a Secret

Create a secret to specify the storage system address and credentials (username and password). Usually the config file sets up the secret as well, but if you still want to create the secret or recreate it, follow the instructions below:

  1. Edit the config file config/client-info.yml or create a new one like the example shown here:

    - host:
      port: 5000
      https: false
      username: <username>
      password: <password>
    - host:
      port: 5001
      https: true
      username: <username>
      password: <password>

    The clients field can contain more than one Synology NAS. Seperate them with a prefix -.

  2. Create the secret using the following command (usually done by deploy.sh):

    kubectl create secret -n <namespace> generic client-info-secret --from-file=config/client-info.yml
    • Make sure to replace <namespace> with synology-csi. This is the default namespace. Change it to your custom namespace if needed.
    • If you change the secret name "client-info-secret" to a different one, make sure that all files at deploy/kubernetes/<k8s version>/ are using the secret name you set.

Creating Storage Classes

Create and apply StorageClasses with the properties you want.

  1. Create YAML files using the one at deploy/kubernetes/<k8s version>/storage-class.yml as the example, whose content is as below:

    iSCSI Protocol

    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: StorageClass
        storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "false"
      name: synostorage
    provisioner: csi.san.synology.com
      fsType: 'btrfs'
      dsm: ''
      location: '/volume1'
      formatOptions: '--nodiscard'
    reclaimPolicy: Retain
    allowVolumeExpansion: true

    SMB/CIFS Protocol

    Before creating an SMB/CIFS storage class, you must create a secret and specify the DSM user whom you want to give permissions to.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: cifs-csi-credentials
      namespace: default
    type: Opaque
      username: <username>  # DSM user account accessing the shared folder
      password: <password>  # DSM user password accessing the shared folder

    After creating the secret, create a storage class and fill the secret for node-stage-secret. This is a required step if you're using SMB, or there will be errors when staging volumes.

    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: StorageClass
      name: synostorage-smb
    provisioner: csi.san.synology.com
      protocol: "smb"
      dsm: ''
      location: '/volume1'
      csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-name: "cifs-csi-credentials"
      csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-namespace: "default"
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    allowVolumeExpansion: true

    NFS Protocol

    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: StorageClass
      name: synostorage-nfs
    provisioner: csi.san.synology.com
      protocol: "nfs"
      dsm: ""
      location: '/volume1'
      mountPermissions: '0755'
      - nfsvers=4.1
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    allowVolumeExpansion: true
  2. Configure the StorageClass properties by assigning the parameters in the table. You can also leave blank if you don’t have a preference:

    NameTypeDescriptionDefaultSupported protocols
    dsmstringThe IPv4 address of your DSM, which must be included in the client-info.yml for the CSI driver to log in to DSM-iSCSI, SMB, NFS
    locationstringThe location (/volume1, /volume2, ...) on DSM where the LUN for PersistentVolume will be created-iSCSI, SMB, NFS
    fsTypestringThe formatting file system of the PersistentVolumes when you mount them on the pods. This parameter only works with iSCSI. For SMB, the fsType is always ‘cifs‘.'ext4'iSCSI
    protocolstringThe storage backend protocol. Enter ‘iscsi’ to create LUNs, or ‘smb‘ or 'nfs' to create shared folders on DSM.'iscsi'iSCSI, SMB, NFS
    formatOptionsstringAdditional options/arguments passed to mkfs.* command. See a linux manual that corresponds with your FS of choice.-iSCSI
    csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-namestringThe name of node-stage-secret. Required if DSM shared folder is accessed via SMB.-SMB
    csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-namespacestringThe namespace of node-stage-secret. Required if DSM shared folder is accessed via SMB.-SMB
    mountPermissionsstringMounted folder permissions. If set as non-zero, driver will perform chmod after mount'0750'NFS


    • If you leave the parameter location blank, the CSI driver will choose a volume on DSM with available storage to create the volumes.
    • All iSCSI volumes created by the CSI driver are Thin Provisioned LUNs on DSM. This will allow you to take snapshots of them.
  3. Apply the YAML files to the Kubernetes cluster.

    kubectl apply -f <storageclass_yaml>

Creating Volume Snapshot Classes

Create and apply VolumeSnapshotClasses with the properties you want.

  1. Create YAML files using the one at deploy/kubernetes/<k8s version>/snapshotter/volume-snapshot-class.yml as the example, whose content is as below:

    apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1    # v1 for kubernetes v1.20 and above
    kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
      name: synology-snapshotclass
        storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "false"
    driver: csi.san.synology.com
    deletionPolicy: Delete
    # parameters:
    #   description: 'Kubernetes CSI'
    #   is_locked: 'false'
  2. Configure volume snapshot class properties by assigning the following parameters, all parameters are optional:

    NameTypeDescriptionDefaultSupported protocols
    descriptionstringThe description of the snapshot on DSM""iSCSI
    is_lockedstringWhether you want to lock the snapshot on DSM'false'iSCSI, SMB, NFS
  3. Apply the YAML files to the Kubernetes cluster.

    kubectl apply -f <volumesnapshotclass_yaml>

Building & Manually Installing

By default, the CSI driver will pull the latest image from Docker Hub.

If you want to use images you built locally for installation, edit all files under deploy/kubernetes/<k8s version>/ and make sure imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent is included in every csi-plugin container.




If you are no longer using the CSI driver, make sure that no other resources in your Kubernetes cluster are using storage managed by Synology CSI driver before uninstalling it.