

Spatial hashing for Unity using ECS

A spatial hash is one way of indexing objects in space. This package allows you to indexing struct manually or automatically (via IComponentData) with high speed

Spatial hashing image

Source : https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Spatial-hashing-where-objects-are-mapped-into-uniformly-sized-cells_fig1_326306568


How to add to your project

How to start


  1. Implement ISpatialHashingItem on a struct
  2. Allocate a SpatialHash of this struct
  3. Use it


  1. Implement ISpatialHashingItem on a IComponentData struct
  2. Implement a IComponentData struct to warn the system when an entity is dirty, typically a flag or an enablable component
  3. Implement a child class inheritant SpatialHashingSystem (T is 1. component, TY will be HMH.ECS.SpatialHashing.SpatialHashingMirror (or similar), TZ will be 2. component
  4. Add that before the child class (See unit test to concrete example)

[assembly: RegisterGenericJobType(typeof({CHILDCLASSTYPE}.IncreaseSpatialHashSizeJob))]
[assembly: RegisterGenericJobType(typeof({CHILDCLASSTYPE}.AddSpatialHashingJob))]
[assembly: RegisterGenericJobType(typeof({CHILDCLASSTYPE}.AddSpatialHashingEndJob))]
[assembly: RegisterGenericJobType(typeof({CHILDCLASSTYPE}.UpdateSpatialHashingRemoveFastJob))]
[assembly: RegisterGenericJobType(typeof({CHILDCLASSTYPE}.UpdateSpatialHashingAddFastJob))]
[assembly: RegisterGenericJobType(typeof({CHILDCLASSTYPE}.RemoveSpatialHashingJob))]

  1. good to go