

the C++ implemententation of LFFD with MNN

I have implemented the LFFD referring to the official python implementation

paper:LFFD: A Light and Fast Face Detector for Edge Devices

official github: LFFD

My ncnn implementation is here

My OpenVINO implementation

some tips

how to convert the original model to mnn

The original mxnet model has merged the preporcess(means and norms) and the detection output tensor has been sliced with the mxnet slice op in the symbol ,which caused convert failure. so,you need to remove these ops ,in that way you can convert the model to onnx successfully.I will show you how to do that step by step, so when you train the model by yourself, you can convert to your own model to onnx , and do more things.


result show




TODO(you can refer this implementation to do more)