

This is the official code repository for "Classification of Gleason Grading in Prostate Cancer Histopathology Images Using Deep Learning Techniques: YOLO, Vision Transformers, and Vision Mamba"

DatasetTaskprecisionSensitivitySpecificityF1-scoreOverall AccuracyAUCModel Weight
Gleason2019Multi-Class(4)TBATBATBATBATBATBAComing soon!



The Gleason 2019 dataset comprises TMA images with a resolution of 5120 x 5120 pixels, which are annotated by several experts. After calculating the final annotation map for each image by pixel-level majority voting, we opt for smaller patches inside original images to train our model. Specifically, we extract 512 x 512 patches with a stride of 256 in each image, and assign a single label for them based on pixel annotations at their central areas. If all of the pixels residing in this 250 x 250 area do not belong to the background and share an identical label, the patch label is set accordingly, otherwise the patch is discarded.Gleason2019 Dataset imgs_03


The SicapV2 dataset offers whole slide histology images with both global Gleason scores and patch-level grades. Like the Gleason2019 dataset, the patches are 512 x 512 pixels with a 50% overlap. The authors offer a meticulous patient-based split of this data, which guaranteed the class balance between cross-validation subsets. .SICAPv2 Dataset


We thank the authors of medmamba for their open-source codes.