

Transperth API

Want to use the API?

Howdy partner! This API is for building applications that consume data from the Perth Transit API.

To find out more, visit the hosted API documentation. We currently provide a hosted instance of this API on http://api.perthtransit.com/ that you can use and experiment with.


This sample app is an example application for RocketPants and makes use of ActiveRecord, RocketPants and API Smith for an API client.

Please note that this applicaton requires Ruby 1.9.3.

Getting Started

To get started, clone this repository and enter it. Next:

cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
# Edit the database.yml.sample
rake db:create db:setup
rails s

And next, visit:


We encourage all community contributions. Keeping this in mind, please follow these general guidelines when contributing:

Other than that, our guidelines very closely match the GemCutter guidelines here.

(Thanks to GemCutter for the contribution guide)


Transperth API is released under the MIT License (see the license file) and is copyright Darcy Laycock, 2012.

You're welcome to use and modify the code as you see fit.

This client is in no way affiliated with / endorsed by Transperth. Please note that Transperth and it's associated terms are property of Transperth itself and there is no association between this code, myself and Transperth.