

logo LightBDD <br><br>The Lightweight Behavior Driven Development test framework

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Project description

LightBDD is a behaviour-driven development test framework offering ability to write tests that are easy to read, easy to track during execution and summarize in user friendly report, while allowing developers to use all of the standard development tools to maintain them.


Tests structure and conventions

LightBDD runs on top of NUnit, xUnit, MsTest.TestFramework and Fixie, allowing to leverage the well known test frameworks and their features in writing the behavioral style scenarios, which makes it very easy to learn, adapt and use.

To learn more, please see LightBDD wiki page, or jump straight to:


@"In order to access personal data
As an user
I want to login into system")] //feature description
public partial class Login_feature //feature name
   public void Successful_login() //scenario name

         Given_the_user_is_about_to_login, //steps

@"In order to pay for products
As a customer
I want to receive invoice for bought items")] //feature description
public partial class Invoice_feature //feature name
   public void Receiving_invoice_for_products() //scenario name

         _ => Given_product_is_available_in_product_storage("wooden desk"), //steps
         _ => Given_product_is_available_in_product_storage("wooden shelf"),
         _ => When_customer_buys_product("wooden desk"),
         _ => When_customer_buys_product("wooden shelf"),
         _ => Then_an_invoice_should_be_sent_to_the_customer(),
         _ => Then_the_invoice_should_contain_product_with_price_of_AMOUNT("wooden desk", 62),
         _ => Then_the_invoice_should_contain_product_with_price_of_AMOUNT("wooden shelf", 37));

The above example shows feature partial classes containing scenario definitions only, which makes it easier to read.
The Login_feature class uses basic scenario format for defining scenario steps.
The Invoice_feature class uses extended scenario format allowing to use parameterized steps.
LightBDD offers multiple scenario formats and flavors suitable for various use cases - for details, please check Scenario Steps Definition page.

The implementation of step methods is located in other part of the class, in separate file and leverages standard features of the underlying test framwork (such as assert mechanisms) empowered by LightBDD features such as:

Example console output during tests execution:

What LightBDD offers for free is the scenario output provided in Visual Studio/Resharper test screens and/or Console window.
Where possible, the output is provided as the test executes, allowing to track the progress of the scenarios.

FEATURE: [Story-1] Login feature
  In order to access personal data
  As an user
  I want to login into system

SCENARIO: [Ticket-1] Successful login
  STEP 1/6: GIVEN the user is about to login...
  STEP 1/6: GIVEN the user is about to login (Passed after 2ms)
  STEP 2/6: AND the user entered valid login...
  STEP 2/6: AND the user entered valid login (Passed after <1ms)
  STEP 3/6: AND the user entered valid password...
  STEP 3/6: AND the user entered valid password (Passed after <1ms)
  STEP 4/6: WHEN the user clicks login button...
  STEP 4/6: WHEN the user clicks login button (Passed after 125ms)
  STEP 5/6: THEN the login operation should be successful...
  STEP 5/6: THEN the login operation should be successful (Passed after 4ms)
  STEP 6/6: AND a welcome message containing user name should be returned...
  STEP 6/6: AND a welcome message containing user name should be returned (Passed after 9ms)
  SCENARIO RESULT: Passed after 164ms

FEATURE: [Story-2] Invoice feature
  In order to pay for products
  As a customer
  I want to receive invoice for bought items

SCENARIO: [Ticket-4] Receiving invoice for products
  STEP 1/7: GIVEN product "wooden desk" is available in product storage...
  STEP 1/7: GIVEN product "wooden desk" is available in product storage (Passed after 2ms)
  STEP 2/7: AND product "wooden shelf" is available in product storage...
  STEP 2/7: AND product "wooden shelf" is available in product storage (Passed after <1ms)
  STEP 3/7: WHEN customer buys product "wooden desk"...
  STEP 3/7: WHEN customer buys product "wooden desk" (Passed after <1ms)
  STEP 4/7: AND customer buys product "wooden shelf"...
  STEP 4/7: AND customer buys product "wooden shelf" (Passed after <1ms)
  STEP 5/7: THEN an invoice should be sent to the customer...
  STEP 5/7: THEN an invoice should be sent to the customer (Passed after <1ms)
  STEP 6/7: AND the invoice should contain product "wooden desk" with price of "£62.00"...
  STEP 6/7: AND the invoice should contain product "wooden desk" with price of "£62.00" (Passed after <1ms)
  STEP 7/7: AND the invoice should contain product "wooden shelf" with price of "£37.00"...
  STEP 7/7: AND the invoice should contain product "wooden shelf" with price of "£37.00" (Passed after <1ms)
  SCENARIO RESULT: Passed after 30ms

For more information, please visit Test Progress Notification page.

Example HTML report generated after test execution:

When all tests are finished, LightBDD generates the HTML report file, providing the summary and the details of the executed scenarios - the fragment of the report is presented below.

To read more, please see Generating Reports wiki page.


The LightBDD is available on NuGet:

Productivity Extensions for Visual Studio

LightBDD project offers also a VSIX extension for Visual Studio, containing:

The VSIX extension can be downloaded from: Visual Studio Gallery (Visual Studio 2012 and newer versions supported).

Migrating LightBDD

The current LightBDD version series is 3.X. To find out how to migrate from previous versions, please visit Migrating LightBDD Versions wiki page.

Debugging LightBDD from NuGet packages

LightBDD provides debug symbols helping with diagnostics - please check Debugging LightBDD Scenarios for details.

More information about LightBDD

If you are interested about background of LightBDD creation or getting insight into what is driving it's evolution, please feel free to take a look at my blog posts.

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