


Simplified Python Audio Features Extraction

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spafe aims to simplify feature extractions from mono audio files. Spafe includes various computations related to filter banks, spectrograms, frequencies and cepstral features . The library has the following structure:

Filter banks



The theory behind features computed using spafe can be summmarized in the following graph:




spafe requires:

if you want to use the visualization module/ functions of spafe, you will need to install:

Installation guide

Once you have the Dependencies installed, use one of the following install options.

Install from PyPI

pip install spafe
pip install -U spafe

Install from Anaconda

conda install spafe

Install from source

git clone git@github.com:SuperKogito/spafe.git
cd spafe
python setup.py install

Why use Spafe?

Unlike most existing audio feature extraction libraries (python_speech_features, SpeechPy, surfboard and Bob), Spafe provides more options for spectral features extraction algorithms, notably:

Most existing libraries and to their credits provide great implementations for features extraction but are unfortunately limited to the Mel Frequency Features (MFCC) and at best have Bark frequency and linear predictive coefficients additionally. Librosa for example includes great implementation of various algorithms (only MFCC and LPC are included), based on the Short Time Fourrier Transform (STFT), which is theoretically more accurate but slower than the Discret Fourrier Transform used in Spafe's implementation.

How to use

Various examples on how to use spafe are present in the documentation https://superkogito.github.io/spafe.

!Please make sure you are referring to the correct documentation version.


Contributions are welcome and encouraged. To learn more about how to contribute to spafe please refer to the Contributing guidelines
