

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/SuperKogito/pydiogment/blob/master/docs/icon.png?raw=true"> </p>

:bell: Pydiogment

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Pydiogment aims to simplify audio augmentation. It generates multiple audio files based on a starting mono audio file. The library can generates files with higher speed, slower, and different tones etc.

:inbox_tray: Installation


Pydiogment requires:

On Linux

On Linux you can use the following commands to get the libraries:

On Windows

On Windows you can use the following installation binaries:

On MacOS

On MacOs, use homebrew to install the packages:


If you already have a working installation of NumPy and SciPy , you can simply install Pydiogment using pip:

pip install pydiogment

To update an existing version of Pydiogment, use:

pip install -U pydiogment

:bulb: How to use

This library currently supports mono WAV files only.

:bookmark_tabs: Documentation

A thorough documentation of the library is available under pydiogment.readthedocs.io.

:construction_worker: Contributing and bugs report

Contributions are welcome and encouraged. To learn more about how to contribute to Pydiogment please refer to the Contributing guidelines

To report bugs, request a feature or just ask for help you can refer to the issues section. Before reporting a bug please make sure it is not addressed by an older issue and make sure to add your operating system type, its version number and the versions of the dependencies used.

:tada: Acknowledgment and credits