

QAA: Query and Attention Augmentatio for Knowledge-Based Explainable Reasoning



Scene Graph Generation Part

  1. Download and unpack Visual Genome images as well as the annotations, class info and image meta-data
  2. Get initial scene graph with VCT
  3. Next, run train_graph.py to train the scene graph generation
python train_graph.py --input_scene_dir <path/to/input/scene/dir> --output_scene_dir <path/to/output/scene/dir> 

Query Augmentation and Training

  1. Download Glove pretrained word vectors
  2. Preprocess OK-VQA questions to obtain train_questions.pt and vocab.json
python preprocess_questions.py --glove_pt </path/to/generated/glove/pickle/file> --input_questions_json </your/path/to/v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_train2014_questions.json> --input_annotations_json </your/path/to/v2_mscoco_train2014_annotations.json> --output_pt </your/output/path/train_questions.pt> --vocab_json </your/output/path/vocab.json> --mode train
  1. Download grounded features from paper Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention for Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering repo
  2. Preprocess featurs
python preprocess_features.py --input_tsv_folder /your/path/to/trainval_36/ --output_h5 /your/output/path/trainval_feature.h5
  1. Train the pretrained model
python train.py --input_dir <path/to/preprocessed/files> --save_dir </path/for/checkpoint> --val
  1. Query Augmentation
python train.py --input_dir <path/to/preprocessed/files> --save_dir </path/for/checkpoint> --mode aug
  1. Test
python train.py --input_dir <path/to/preprocessed/files> --save_dir </path/for/checkpoint> --mode test