

Contextual Reasoning in Visual Dialog

Images and Annotations

Please download the images from GQA and CLEVR, for the annotations, Please generate them with the following instructions.

Dataset Generation Code

  1. Download Glove pretrained word vectors
  2. Download the Scene Graphs From CLEVR
  3. Preprocess the pretrained word vectors and scene graphs with
python preprocess.py --scene <scenegraph> --embed <wordembedding>
  1. Generate the sampled contexts with
python context.py --compound <compoundlist> --visual <preprocessed>
  1. Question Engine
python question_engine.py --context <contexts> --template <templateList>

GQA-VD Data Samples

[1 Dialog (10QA) Per Image] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GR9NTGMQ7V_7tCayy2kMFNcoWsS-t-16/view?usp=drive_link

[2 Dialogs (10QA) Per Image] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gletyyUzkdVoqkrkZmBzTb4hpKMoVheb/view?usp=drive_link

Model Test on the Dataset

To run our model on the CLEVR-VD and GQA-VD

python train.py --data <CLEVR-VD_dir>