


This is the source of DOStodon, a Mastodon client for MS-DOS.

DOStodon is implemented in Javascript and relies on a yet unreleased version of DOjS to run.

Quick start

Just download the whole repository.

Help on this project is very much appreciated, contact me on Twitter, Mastodon or in the DOjS Discord if you want to help or have questions...

Linux version

There is a highly experimental Linux version of DOStodon included. It is based on DOjS v1.12. You can try it at your own risk. You need to compile DOjS yourself, please look at this instruction how to do that. Fullscreen mode does not get keyboard input on WSL2, you can switch to windowed mode by removing the -u option in dostodon.sh.

<img src="https://github.com/SuperIlu/DOStodon/raw/main/images/timeline.png" alt="DOStodon timeline" width="200"> <img src="https://github.com/SuperIlu/DOStodon/raw/main/images/profile.png" alt="DOStodon profile" width="200"> <img src="https://github.com/SuperIlu/DOStodon/raw/main/images/find_user.png" alt="DOStodon find user" width="200"> <img src="https://github.com/SuperIlu/DOStodon/raw/main/images/hashtag.png" alt="DOStodon hashtag" width="200">


First start

Please run DOStodon <server> <email> <password>

Example: DOStodon mastodon.social jon@somwhere.com 123abcABC

The access tokens are stored in CREDS.JSN if the login is successful.

subsequent starts

Just run DOStodon.

Proxy support

If you want DOStodon to use a proxy you have to set the following ENV variables:


DOStodon supports NOISE.SYS, a MS-DOS random number generator. It can be obtained here: https://github.com/robrwo/noise.sys




Tag timeline



Profile screen




The source is split into several files right now:

DOStodon is implemented using DOjS native API (no p5js emulation). Network operations block the input processing/rendering.

DOSBox-staging config

I use DOSBox Staging to test this version of DOStodon. A NE2000 packet driver can be found on this page here.

DO NOT use DOSBox-X right now, it has a known bug in file io which creates broken SQLite databases DOSBox-staging has a problem with mouse support, thats why I disabled that in the example config!

My dosbox-staging.conf looks like this:

capture_mouse = nomouse

memsize = 64

cputype = pentium_slow
cycles  = max

ne2000  = true
nicbase = 300
nicirq  = 3
macaddr = AC:DE:48:88:99:AA

mount c E:\_DEVEL\GitHub\DOStodon
ne2000 0x60 3 0x300



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