Substrate .NET Wallet (NETStandard2.0, NETStandard2.1, NET6.0)
Substrate .NET Wallet functions for substrate-based nodes
How to use ?
Create a new Keyring
// Create a new Keyring, by default ss58 format is 42 (Substrate standard address)
var keyring = new Substrate.NET.Wallet.Keyring.Keyring();
// You can specify ss58 address if needed (check SS58 regitry here :
keyring.Ss58Format = 0; // Polkadot
Create a new account with a random mnemonic phrase
// Generate a new mnemonic for a new account
var newMnemonic = Mnemonic.GenerateMnemonic(MnemonicSize.Words12);
// Also available for 15, 18, 21, 24 mnemonic words
Load an account with a mnemonic phrase
// Use an existing mnemonic
var existingMnemonicAccount = "entire material egg meadow latin bargain dutch coral blood melt acoustic thought";
// Import an account from mnemonic automatically unlock all feature
var firstWallet = keyring.AddFromMnemonic(existingMnemonicAccount, new Meta() { name = "My account name"}, NetApi.Model.Types.KeyType.Ed25519);
// Account is unlock and ready to sign transaction
Export an account to a file
// Choose a password to protect your account file
var walletFile = firstWallet.ToWalletFile("MyWallet", "myPassword")
var json = firstWallet.ToJson("MyWallet", "myPassword");
// Now save
Import a wallet from a json file
var secondWallet = keyring.AddFromJson(json);
// Wallet is imported but locked
// You need to unlock the account with the associated password
Sign and verify with you account
string message = "Hello !";
var signature = firstWallet.Sign(message);
var isVerify = firstWallet.Verify(signature, message);