


Less syntax definitions for Sublime Text based on its CSS syntax.

Highlights .less (or .css.less) files, and provides


Package Control

The easiest way to install is using Package Control. It's listed as Less.

  1. Open Command Palette using <kbd>ctrl+shift+P</kbd> or menu item Tools → Command Palette...
  2. Choose Package Control: Install Package
  3. Find Less and hit <kbd>Enter</kbd>

Manual Install

  1. Download appropriate Less.sublime-package for your Sublime Text build. A suffix (e.g. -st4xxx) denotes the least required ST build for the sublime-package to work.
  2. Rename it to Less.sublime-package
  3. Copy it into Installed Packages directory


To find Installed Packages...

  1. call Menu > Preferences > Browse Packages..
  2. Navigate to parent folder


Manually installed packages are not automatically updated by Package Control.


Less extends Sublime Text's CSS syntax definition as of ST4149.

If Less syntax highlighting doesn't work and console displays syntax errors,

  1. check if CSS package is enabled.
  2. remove any out-dated syntax override.

Enable CSS package

  1. Open Command Palette using <kbd>ctrl+shift+P</kbd> or menu item Tools → Command Palette...
  2. Choose Package Control: Enable Packages
  3. Find CSS and hit <kbd>Enter</kbd>

Remove overrides

  1. call Menu > Preferences > Browse Packages..
  2. Look for CSS folder
  3. Remove it or at least delete any CSS.sublime-syntax in it