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[!IMPORTANT] The documentation for this SDK lives at https://docs.styra.com/sdk, with reference documentation available at https://styrainc.github.io/opa-csharp

You can use the Styra OPA SDK to connect to Open Policy Agent and Enterprise OPA deployments.

SDK Installation


dotnet add package Styra.Opa
<!-- No SDK Installation [installation] -->

SDK Example Usage (high-level)

All the code examples that follow assume that the high-level SDK module has been imported, and that an OpaClient instance was created:

using Styra.Opa;

private string serverURL = "http://opa-host:8181";
private string path = "authz/allow";
private OpaClient opa;

opa = new OPAClient(serverURL);

var input = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
    { "user", "alice" },
    { "action", "read" },
    {"resource", "/finance/reports/fy2038_budget.csv"},

// (local variable) bool allowed
var allowed = await opa.check("authz/allow", input);
// (local variable) violations List<string>?
var violations = await opa.evaluate<List<string>>("authz/violations", input);

// Normal true/false cases...
if (allowed) {
    // ...
} else {
    Console.WriteLine("Violations: " + violations);

Input types

The check and evaluate methods are overloaded for most standard JSON types, which include the following variants for the input parameter:

C# typeJSON equivalent type
Dictionary<string, object>Object

Result Types


For the check method, the output type is always bool.


For the evaluate method, the output type is configurable using generics, as shown in the example below.

string path = "authz/accounts/max_limit";

double maxLimit
try {
    maxLimit = opa.evaluate<double?>(path, "example");
catch (OpaException) {
    maxLimit = 0.0f;

Nullable types are also allowed for output types, and if an error occurs during evaluation, a null result will be returned to the caller.

string path = "authz/accounts/max_limit";

double? maxLimit = opa.evaluate<double?>(path, "example");

If the selected return type <T> is possible to deserialize from the returned JSON, evaluate<T> will attempt to populate the variable with the value(s) present.

public struct AuthzStatus
    public AuthzStatus(bool allowed)
        Allowed = allowed;

    public double Allowed { get; }

    public override string ToString() => $"Application authorized: {Allowed}";

var input = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
    { "user", "alice" },
    { "action", "read" },

AuthzStatus status;
try {
    status = opa.evaluate<AuthzStatus>(path, input);
catch (OpaException) {
    status = new AuthzStatus(false);

[!NOTE] For low-level SDK usage, see the sections below.

OPA OpenAPI SDK (low-level)

<!-- Start Summary [summary] -->


For more information about the API: Enterprise OPA documentation

<!-- End Summary [summary] --> <!-- Start Table of Contents [toc] -->

Table of Contents

<!-- End Table of Contents [toc] --> <!-- Start SDK Example Usage [usage] -->

SDK Example Usage

Example 1

using Styra.Opa.OpenApi;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Requests;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Components;
using System.Collections.Generic;

var sdk = new OpaApiClient(bearerAuth: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>");

var res = await sdk.ExecuteDefaultPolicyWithInputAsync(
    input: Input.CreateNumber(
    pretty: false,
    acceptEncoding: Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Components.GzipAcceptEncoding.Gzip

// handle response

Example 2

using Styra.Opa.OpenApi;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Requests;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Components;
using System.Collections.Generic;

var sdk = new OpaApiClient(bearerAuth: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>");

ExecutePolicyWithInputRequest req = new ExecutePolicyWithInputRequest() {
    Path = "app/rbac",
    RequestBody = new ExecutePolicyWithInputRequestBody() {
        Input = Input.CreateBoolean(

var res = await sdk.ExecutePolicyWithInputAsync(req);

// handle response

Example 3

using Styra.Opa.OpenApi;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Requests;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Components;
using System.Collections.Generic;

var sdk = new OpaApiClient(bearerAuth: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>");

ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputRequest req = new ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputRequest() {
    Path = "app/rbac",
    RequestBody = new ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputRequestBody() {
        Inputs = new Dictionary<string, Input>() {
            { "key", Input.CreateStr(
            ) },

var res = await sdk.ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputAsync(req);

// handle response
<!-- End SDK Example Usage [usage] --> <!-- Start Available Resources and Operations [operations] -->

Available Resources and Operations

<details open> <summary>Available methods</summary>

OpaApiClient SDK

</details> <!-- End Available Resources and Operations [operations] --> <!-- Start Server Selection [server] -->

Server Selection

Select Server by Index

You can override the default server globally by passing a server index to the serverIndex: number optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. The selected server will then be used as the default on the operations that use it. This table lists the indexes associated with the available servers:


Override Server URL Per-Client

The default server can also be overridden globally by passing a URL to the serverUrl: str optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:

<!-- End Server Selection [server] --> <!-- Start Error Handling [errors] -->

Error Handling

Handling errors in this SDK should largely match your expectations. All operations return a response object or thow an exception. If Error objects are specified in your OpenAPI Spec, the SDK will raise the appropriate type.

Error ObjectStatus CodeContent Type


using Styra.Opa.OpenApi;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Requests;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Components;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Errors;

var sdk = new OpaApiClient(bearerAuth: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>");

    var res = await sdk.ExecuteDefaultPolicyWithInputAsync(
        input: Input.CreateNumber(
        pretty: false,
        acceptEncoding: Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Components.GzipAcceptEncoding.Gzip

    // handle response
catch (Exception ex)
    if (ex is ClientError)
        // handle exception
    else if (ex is ServerError)
        // handle exception
    else if (ex is Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Errors.SDKException)
        // handle exception
<!-- End Error Handling [errors] --> <!-- Start Authentication [security] -->


Per-Client Security Schemes

This SDK supports the following security scheme globally:

BearerAuthhttpHTTP Bearer

To authenticate with the API the BearerAuth parameter must be set when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:

using Styra.Opa.OpenApi;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Requests;
using Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Components;
using System.Collections.Generic;

var sdk = new OpaApiClient(bearerAuth: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>");

var res = await sdk.ExecuteDefaultPolicyWithInputAsync(
    input: Input.CreateNumber(
    pretty: false,
    acceptEncoding: Styra.Opa.OpenApi.Models.Components.GzipAcceptEncoding.Gzip

// handle response
<!-- End Authentication [security] --> <!-- Placeholder for Future Speakeasy SDK Sections -->


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