

Rego Codemirror Addons

Rego mode and minimal key map for CodeMirror that we use at Styra.


Simply import either the mode, key map, or both after importing CodeMirror. The key map also requires some additional addons to be imported first:

import CodeMirror from 'codemirror'

// Other CodeMirror addons...

import 'codemirror-rego/mode' // You can now use mode: 'rego'
// and/or
import 'codemirror/addon/comment/comment'
import 'codemirror/addon/edit/matchbrackets'
import 'codemirror-rego/key-map' // You can now use keyMap: 'styra'


First run npm install in the project root directory to ensure all dependencies are fetched and the project is built.

Next, you may run webpack in the hack directory. This will build a version of the Node module adapted for web browsers (found in the hack/dist directory). Once that is done, open the hack/index.html file in your browser of choice, and you should see an instance of the CodeMirror editor, with syntax highlighting enabled for Rego.


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