

Kotlin SCIP support

<img src="https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/com.sourcegraph/semanticdb-kotlinc?style=flat-square" />

This codebase implements a Kotlin compiler plugin that can be used together with scip-java to emit SCIP indexes for Kotlin projects.

Getting started

This project must be used together with scip-java. Visit scip-java for instructions on how to index Kotlin projects with scip-java. Note that scip-java indexes Kotlin sources even if you have no Java code.

Kotlin version compatibility

Any given release of scip-kotlin only supports one major version of Kotlin. Use the table below to find the version of scip-kotlin that matches the Kotlin version you are using in your project.

Kotlin versionscip-kotlin version

SemanticDB support

This project is implemented as a SemanticDB compiler plugin. To generate SCIP, you first compile the Kotlin sources with the SemanticDB compiler plugin and then convert SemanticDB files into SCIP using scip-java index-semanticdb. See Low-level usage for more details on how to generate SemanticDB files and convert SemanticDB into SCIP.

Low-level usage

First, fetch the jar file of the SemanticDB compiler plugin: com.sourcegraph:semanticdb-kotlinc:VERSION. For example, you can use Coursier to download the jar file.

curl -fLo coursier https://github.com/coursier/launchers/raw/master/coursier && chmod +x ./coursier
export SEMANTICDB_KOTLIN_VERSION="latest.release" # or replace with a particular version
export SEMANTICDB_KOTLIN_JAR=$(./coursier fetch com.sourcegraph:semanticdb-kotlinc:$SEMANTICDB_KOTLIN_VERSION)

Once you have the jar file, you need to determine two compiler options:

Now you have all the necessary parameters to invoke the Kotlin compiler with the SemanticDB compiler plugin.

kotlinc -Xplugin=${SEMANTICDB_KOTLIN_JAR} \
  -P plugin:semanticdb-kotlinc:sourceroot=SOURCEROOT_DIRECTORY \
  -P plugin:semanticdb-kotlinc:targetroot=TARGETROOT_DIRECTORY

Once the compilation is complete, the targetroot should contain *.semanticdb files in the META-INF/semanticdb sub-directory.

To convert the SemanticDB files into SCIP, run scip-java index TARGETROOT_DIRECTORY. If you have Coursier installed, you can run scip-java directly like this

./coursier launch --contrib scip-java -- index-semanticdb TARGETROOT_DIRECTORY