


Get Started Quickly

You can quickly and easily install pre-built binaries using our Getting Started Guide.

Clone, Build and Install

This project lets you build and run Stratify OS on the STM32H735G-DK.

To build:

git clone https://github.com/StratifyLabs/STM32H735G-DK
cd STM32H735G-DK
# switch to a release branch
git switch v2
cmake -P ./bootstrap.cmake
# If needed login to sl and run cmake -P ./bootstrap.cmake again
source profile.sh
cd cmake_arm
cmake .. -DIS_PULL=ON -GNinja

To create an application SDK for this project:

cd cmake_arm
ninja install
cd ..
sl os.pack:name=STM32H735G-DK-SDK

The above will create a file called SDK/STM32H735G-DK-SDK.<bin|exe>. Add this file to your Github release to allow users to download the SDK.

Install the Bootloader and OS

Install the bootloader without key signing:

sl --prepareBootloader

Then copy the output binary to the mbed drive.

This uses /Volumes/DIS_H735IG which is the MacOS path to the mbed drive. Please adjust accordingly for Windows and Linux.

cp tmp/STM32H735G-DK_build_boot_debug.bin /Volumes/DIS_H735IG

Then install the OS using:

sl --installDebugOs

Run the FileBrowser

You can then run the sample FileBrowser application using:

sl --runFileBrowser