The Top-Starred Python GitHub Devs, Orgs, and Repos to Follow (All-Time and Trending)
Why follow the top-starred Python GitHub devs?
Following influencers is usually a good practice. It has helped me in multiple ways:
- Whenever I run out of inspiration, I look at these influencers and see what they have achieved. This brings back the energy and I am back on my projects
- You can follow these influencers to see which events are they attending, what are they reading and what are they working on. This can quickly become a wealth of knowledge in itself.
- To some extent, it also provides a human touch to these influencers. By just looking at their profiles, they might come across as some one out of the world. But, when you start following them regularly, you tend to relate yourself with the influencers.
Inspired by the following Reddit post.
After reading through the post, I was curious to see a similar list for Python GitHub devs, orgs, and repos.
There's no definitive way to determine 'top' devs, orgs, and repos by language. Every metric has its flaws. The lists below look at total number of stars in Python repositories, which seems to be a decent metric that is readily available/easy to mine.
Dev stats are for individual contributors. Org stats are also provided: viewing the org link shows the devs who are part of the org. Not sure how you'd measure stats for each dev part of an org, or similarly, devs contributing to other projects.
GitHub is not perfect in classifying repos as Python. The lists below try to manually filter out mis-classified repos.
I found it interesting to track 'all time' and 'trending' stats, so lists for each are included. Sources are provided after each list.
Top-Starred Python GitHub Devs to Follow: All-Time
Format: Dev - (Top Repo) - Total Dev Stars
- kennethreitz - (requests) - 44472
- jkbrzt - (httpie) - 26428
- nvbn - (thefuck) - 23493
- donnemartin - (data-science-ipython-notebooks) - 20648
- rg3 - (youtube-dl) - 19759
- valloric - (YouCompleteMe) - 11875
- apenwarr - (sshuttle) - 9628
- faif - (python-patterns) - 9033
- fchollet - (keras) - 8742
- tomchristie - (django-rest-framework) - 8575
- jonathanslenders - (python-prompt-toolkit) - 7826
- binux - (pyspider) - 7796
- soimort - (you-get) 7402
- p-e-w - (maybe) - 7133
- miguelgrinberg - (flasky) - 6771
- alexjc - (neural-doodle) - 6505
- toastdriven - (restless) - 6481
- coleifer - (peewee) - 6437
- nvie - (rq) - 6229
- nicolargo - (glances) - 5775
Last updated: 2016-08-21
Top-Starred Python GitHub Devs to Follow: Trending*
Format: Dev - (Top Repo) - Total Dev Stars
- donnemartin - (gitsome) - 8495
- alexjc - (neural-doodle) - 6392
- p-e-w - (maybe) - 5985
- eliangcs - (http-prompt) - 5513
- 0x5e - (wechat-deleted-friends) - 4497
- a1studmuffin - (SpaceshipGenerator) - 4284
- samshadwell - (TrumpScript) - 3923
- jayfk - (statuspage) - 3261
- reinderien - (mimic) - 3079
- pavelgonchar - (colornet) - 2825
- JuanPotato - (Legofy) - 2783
- diafygi - (acme-tiny) - 2636
- cyrus-and - (gdb-dashboard) - 2625
- awentzonline - (image-analogies) - 2560
- programthink - (zhao) - 2361
- nlintz - (TensorFlow-Tutorials) - 2321
- gongjianhui - (AppleDNS) - 2009
- ujjwalkarn - (DataSciencePython) - 1986
- mchristopher - (PokemonGo-DesktopMap) - 1979
- yenchenlin - (DeepLearningFlappyBird) - 1759
Source: GitHub search, aggregating repos by dev
Last updated: 2016-08-21
*Trending: 2015-08-21 to 2016-08-21
Top-Starred Python GitHub Orgs: All-Time
Format: Org - (Top Repo) - Total Org Stars
- pallets - (flask) - 33572
- openstack - (nova) - 24591
- Django - (django) - 24490
- google - (yapf) - 23552
- ansible - (ansible) - 21169
- scrapy - (scrapy) - 17881
- docker - (compose) - 17070
- certbot - (certbot) - 16023
- shadowsocks - (shadowsocks) - 14934
- facebook - (chisel) - 14082
- getsentry - (sentry) - 13703
- scikit-learn - (scikit-learn) - 12993
- tornadoweb - (tornado) - 11958
- reddit - (reddit) - 11752
- ipython - (ipython) - 10567
- pydata - (pandas) - 10079
- yelp - (mrjob) - 9879
- airbnb - (caravel) - 9842
- kivy - (kivy) - 9674
- xx-net - (XX-Net) - 9267
Last updated: 2016-08-21
Top-Starred Python GitHub Orgs: Trending*
Format: Org - (Top Repo) - Total Org Stars
- Rochester-NRT - (RocAlphaGo) - 7224
- tensorflow - (magenta) - 5663
- cmusatyalab - (openface) - 4973
- zulip - (zulip) - 4005
- PokemonGoF - (PokemonGo-Bot) - 3990
- awslabs - (aws-shell) - 3742
- reverse-shell - (routersploit) - 3680
- tflearn - (tflearn) - 3471
- MagicStack - (uvloop) - 3469
- openai - (gym) - 3399
- lektor - (lektor) - 1960
- PokemonGoMap - (PokemonGo-Map) - 1930
- eastlakeside - (interpy-zh) - 1552
- zerodb - (zerodb) - 1477
- digitalocean - (netbox) - 1426
- commaai - (research) - 1412
- nerevu - (riko) - 1129
- ascribe - (image-match) - 1039
- CacheBrowser - (cachebrowser) - 1024
- ansible - (ansible-container) - 1003
Source: GitHub search, aggregating repos by org
Last updated: 2016-08-21
*Trending: 2015-08-21 to 2016-08-21
Top-Starred Python GitHub Repos: All-Time
- jkbrzt/httpie 25585<br/>CLI HTTP client, user-friendly curl replacement with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
- pallets/flask 22167<br/>A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
- nvbn/thefuck 21504<br/>Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
- django/django 20841<br/>The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
- kennethreitz/requests 20420<br/>Python HTTP Requests for Humans™
- rg3/youtube-dl 19722<br/>Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
- ansible/ansible 18399<br/>Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.
- certbot/certbot 16024<br/>Certbot, previously the Let's Encrypt Client, is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt, and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server. It can also act as a client for any other CA that uses the ACME protocol.
- scrapy/scrapy 15535<br/>Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
- scikit-learn/scikit-learn 12923<br/>scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
- tornadoweb/tornado 11958<br/>Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.
- Valloric/YouCompleteMe 11558<br/>A code-completion engine for Vim
- reddit/reddit 11269<br/>the code that powers
- getsentry/sentry 10107<br/>Sentry is cross-platform crash reporting built with love
- ipython/ipython 9911<br/>Official repository for IPython itself. Other repos in the IPython organization contain things like the website, documentation builds, etc.
- XX-net/XX-Net 9131<br/>a web proxy tool
- faif/python-patterns 9028<br/>A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
- docker/compose 8074<br/>Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
- fchollet/keras 7706<br/>Deep Learning library for Python. Convnets, recurrent neural networks, and more. Runs on Theano or TensorFlow.
- fabric/fabric 7517<br/>Simple, Pythonic remote execution and deployment.
Last updated: 2016-08-21
Top-Starred Python GitHub Repos: Trending*
- Rochester-NRT/RocAlphaGo 7224<br/>An independent, student-led replication of DeepMind's 2016 Nature publication, "Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search" (Nature 529, 484-489, 28 Jan 2016), details of which can be found on their website
- alexjc/neural-doodle 6392<br/>Turn your two-bit doodles into fine artworks with deep neural networks, generate seamless textures from photos, transfer style from one image to another, perform example-based upscaling, but wait... there's more! (An implementation of Semantic Style Transfer.)
- p-e-w/maybe 5985<br/>:open_file_folder: :rabbit2: :tophat: See what a program does before deciding whether you really want it to happen.
- eliangcs/http-prompt 5513<br/>HTTPie + prompt_toolkit = an interactive command-line HTTP client featuring autocomplete and syntax highlighting
- cmusatyalab/openface 4973<br/>Face recognition with deep neural networks.
- 0x5e/wechat-deleted-friends 4497<br/>查看被删的微信好友
- a1studmuffin/SpaceshipGenerator 4284<br/>A Blender script to procedurally generate 3D spaceships
- zulip/zulip 4005<br/>Zulip server - powerful open source group chat
- samshadwell/TrumpScript 3923<br/>Make Python great again
- reverse-shell/routersploit 3680<br/>The Router Exploitation Framework
- PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot 3564<br/>The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
- tflearn/tflearn 3471<br/>Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow.
- jayfk/statuspage 3261<br/>A statuspage generator that lets you host your statuspage for free on Github.
- donnemartin/gitsome 3249<br/>A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI).
- openai/gym 3131<br/>A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
- reinderien/mimic 3079<br/>[ab]using Unicode to create tragedy
- tensorflow/magenta 3008<br/>Magenta: Music and Art Generation with Machine Intelligence
- donnemartin/saws 2955<br/>A supercharged AWS command line interface (CLI).
- pavelgonchar/colornet 2825<br/>Neural Network to colorize grayscale images
- JuanPotato/Legofy 2783<br/>Make images look as if they are made out of 1x1 LEGO blocks
Last updated: 2016-08-21
*Trending: 2015-08-21 to 2016-08-21