What Is It?
mosquitto_transport is an experiment of writing SObjectizer-based wrapper around mosquitto library. It IS developed and maintained by StiffStream.
Obtaining And Building
To use mosquitto_transport it is necessary to have:
- C++14 compiler (gcc 5.4 or above, clang 3.8 or above);
- Mxx_ru 1.6.13 or above;
- Boost-1.58 or above.
MxxRu::externals Recipes
There is an example of recipes for MxxRu::externals:
MxxRu::arch_externals :mosquitto_transport do |e|
e.url ''
e.map_dir 'dev/mosquitto_transport' => 'dev'
MxxRu::arch_externals :libmosquitto do |e|
e.url ''
e.map_dir 'lib' => 'dev/libmosquitto'
e.map_file 'config.h' => 'dev/libmosquitto/*'
MxxRu::arch_externals :libmosquitto_mxxru do |e|
e.url ''
e.map_file 'dev/libmosquitto/prj.rb' => 'dev/libmosquitto/*'
MxxRu::arch_externals :fmt do |e|
e.url ''
e.map_dir 'fmt' => 'dev/fmt'
MxxRu::arch_externals :fmtlib_mxxru do |e|
e.url ''
e.map_dir 'dev/fmt_mxxru' => 'dev'
MxxRu::arch_externals :spdlog do |e|
e.url ''
e.map_dir 'include' => 'dev/spdlog'
MxxRu::arch_externals :spdlog_mxxru do |e|
e.url ''
e.map_dir 'dev/spdlog_mxxru' => 'dev'
MxxRu::arch_externals :so5 do |e|
e.url ''
e.map_dir 'dev/so_5' => 'dev'
e.map_dir 'dev/timertt' => 'dev'
MxxRu::arch_externals :catch do |e|
e.url ''
e.map_file 'single_include/catch.hpp' => 'dev/catch/*'
mosquitto_transport is distributed under BSD-3-Clause license. See LICENSE file for more information.
How To Use
mosquitto Library Initialization And Deinitialization
To initialize and deinitialize mosquitto library correctly an instance of lib_initializer_t
must be created. This instance must live for all time while mosquitto-transport is used in application. A reference to that instance must be passed to the constructor of every a_transport_manager_t
For example:
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
int main()
mosqt::lib_initializer mosq_init;
so_5::launch( [&]( so_5::environment_t & env ) {
} );
Creation Of Transport Manager
Every client connection to MQTT broker is under control of a_transport_manager_t
agent. Because of that an agent of this type must be created.
Note. Agent a_transport_manager_t
uses thread-safe event handler so the adv_thread_pool
dispatcher can be used for that agent.
Note. It is better to place a_transport_manager_t
instance to separate cooperation.
After creation of a_transport_manager_t
a value of instance_t
must be obtained from it. This value will be used for message publishing and retrieving.
A very simple example:
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
mosqt::instance_t make_transport(so_5::environment_t & env, mosqt::lib_initializer_t & mosq_init)
mosqt::instance_t instance;
env.introduce_coop( [&](so_5::coop_t & coop) {
auto tm = coop.make_agent< mosqt::a_transport_manager_t >(
// A reference to mosquitto library initializer.
// Broker connection params.
// ID for client on broker.
// Broker host.
// Broker port.
// Keepalive timer in seconds.
30 },
// Logger instance to be used.
spdlog::stdout_logger_mt("mosqt") );
instance = tm->instance();
} );
return instance;
Message Encoding and Decoding Principles
mosquitto_transport library supports automatic message encoding and decoding. But it requires some help from application code.
To encode message into some format (binary, JSON, XML and so on) there should
be a partial or full specialization of
template. For example it
could looks like:
struct json_encoding {}; // Will be used as tag type.
namespace mosquitto_transport {
// Partial specialization for all message types.
template< typename MSG >
struct encoder_t< json_encoding, MSG >
// Actual encoding method.
static std::string encode( const MSG & what )
// Assume every MSG has `to_json` method.
return what.to_json();
Similary for decoding a message from some format there should be a partial of
full specialization of mosquitto_transport::decoder_t<DECODER_TAG,MSG>
template. Something like that:
struct json_encoding {}; // Will be used as tag type.
namespace mosquitto_transport {
// Partial specialization for all message types.
template< typename MSG >
struct decoder_t< json_encoding, MSG >
// Actual decoding method.
static MSG decode( const std::string & payload )
// Assume every MSG has `from_json` method.
MSG m;
return m;
After that some useful typedefs could be defined:
using topic_subscriber = mosquitto_transport::topic_subscriber_t< json_encoding >;
using topic_publisher = mosquitto_transport::topic_publisher_t< json_encoding >;
Message Publishing
There is just one way for publishing messages in v.0.3.
It requires usage of mosquitto_transport::publisher_t
template class and its
method publish
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
mosqt::instance_t instance = ...; // Value returned by a_transport_manager_t agent.
// Publish instance of status_update_t message into "clients/statuses/updates" topic.
// Type json_encoding means that there is an appropriate specialization
// for mosquitto_transport::encoder_t template.
mosqt::topic_publisher_t< json_encoding >::publish(
instance, // Transport manager to be used.
"clients/statuses/updates", // Topic for message.
status_update_t{...} ); // Message to be published.
A call to `topic_publisher_t<TAG>::publish` can be shortened if there is an
alias like that:
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
using topic_publisher = mosqt::topic_publisher_t< json_encoding >;
instance, // Transport manager to be used.
"clients/statuses/updates", // Topic for message.
status_update_t{...} ); // Message to be published.
Attention. All messages are published with QoS=0.
Message Subscription
To receive messages for a topic it is necessary to create a subscription from some special mbox. This mbox is created automatically and managed to mosquitto_transport.
To create subscription it is necessary to use template class
and its template method
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
class status_receiver_t : public so_5::agent_t
mosqt::instance_t m_transport;
public :
status_receiver_t(context_t ctx, mosqt::instance_t transport)
: so_5::agent_t{ctx}
, m_transport{std::move(transport)}
virtual void so_define_agent() override
mosqt::topic_subscriber_t< json_encoding >::subscribe(
m_transpor, // Transport manager to be used for subscription.
"clients/statuses/updates", // Topic to be subscribed.
// Lambda to do agent subscription actions.
[this]( so_5::mbox_t mbox ) {
so_default_state().event( mbox, &status_receiver_t::on_status_update );
st_finishing.event( mbox, &status_receiver_t::on_status_update );
} );
private :
// Message will be delivered as mosquitto_transport::incoming_message_t.
void on_status_update(const mosqt::incoming_message_t< json_encoding > & cmd)
// cmd contains topic name and payload.
// Actual message object should be extracted manually.
const status_update_t upd = cmd.decode< status_update_t >();
A call to `topic_subscriber_t<TAG>::subscribe` can be shortened if there is an
alias like that:
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
using topic_subscriber = mosqt::topic_subscriber_t< json_encoding >;
m_transpor, // Transport manager to be used for subscription.
"clients/statuses/updates", // Topic to be subscribed.
// Lambda to do agent subscription actions.
[this]( so_5::mbox_t mbox ) {
so_default_state().event( mbox, &status_receiver_t::on_status_update );
st_finishing.event( mbox, &status_receiver_t::on_status_update );
} );
Note. There is also short name msg_type
which can be used for
simplification of incoming messages handling:
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
using topic_subscriber = mosqt::topic_subscriber_t< json_encoding >;
void status_receiver_t::on_status_update(const topic_subscriber::msg_type & cmd)
const auto & upd = cmd.decode< status_update_t >();
Supscriptions With Wildcards In Topic Filters
Since v.0.3 there is a possibility to subscribe to several topics by using
wildcards +
and #
in topic filters. It could be done usual way:
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
using topic_subscriber = mosqt::topic_subscriber_t< json_encoding >;
void status_listener_t::so_define_agent() override
m_transpor, // Transport manager to be used for subscription.
"client/+/status/updates", // Topic filter to be subscribed.
// Lambda to do agent subscription actions.
[this]( const so_5::mbox_t & mbox ) {
so_subscribe( mbox ).event( &status_listener_t::on_status_update );
} );
Note. When agent is subscribed to topic filter with wildcards it will
receive actual topic name in incoming_message_t
. For example if agent is
subscribed to client/+/status/updates
and there is a message from
topic client/1/status/updates
then name client/1/status/updates
be in incoming_message_t::topic_name
Subscription Availability And Unavailability Notifications
Since v.0.3 there are notifications about subscriptions availability and unavailability.
Message mosquitto_transport::subscription_available_t
is sent when
subscription to topic is completed successfully.
Message mosquitto_transport::subscription_unavailable_t
is send when
connection to MQTT broker is lost.
Method topic_name()
of these messages will return the original topic
filter which was passed to subscribe
method. For example, if topic filter
was used then this value will be returned by
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
using topic_subscriber = mosqt::topic_subscriber_t< json_encoding >;
void status_listener_t::so_define_agent() override
m_transpor, // Transport manager to be used for subscription.
"client/+/status/updates", // Topic filter to be subscribed.
// Lambda to do agent subscription actions.
[this]( const so_5::mbox_t & mbox ) {
so_subscribe( mbox )
.event( &status_listener_t::on_topic_subscribed )
.event( &status_listener_t::on_topic_lost );
so_subscribe( mbox ).event( &status_listener_t::on_status_update );
} );
void status_listener_t::on_topic_subscribed(
const mosqt::subscription_available_t & cmd )
// cmd.topic_name() will contain "client/+/status/updates" name.
void status_listener_t::on_topic_lost(
const mosqt::subscription_unavailable_t & cmd )
// cmd.topic_name() will contain "client/+/status/updates" name.
Note. Because MQTT allows delivery of messages from subscribed topics
before completion of subscription operation it is possible to receve some
messages from subscribed topics before arival of subscription_available_t
Note. Message subscription_unavailable_t
can be sent before
. It is possible in situation when new subscription
is not finished but a connection to broker is lost.
Subscription Failure
Subscription is an asynchronous process. The subscription result could be received after some time. And this result could be negative.
If the case of subscription failure an exception is thrown on the context
of transport_manager
agent. This exeption usually leads to abortion
of the whole application.
There is a way to specify another reaction for subscription failure.
Method topic_subscriber_t::subscriber
can receive yet another parameter.
If this parameter has value mosquitto_transport::notify_on_failure
a special message will be sent instead on throwing an exception:
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
using topic_subscriber = mosqt::topic_subscriber_t< json_encoding >;
void status_listener_t::so_define_agent() override
m_transpor, // Transport manager to be used for subscription.
"client/+/status/updates", // Topic filter to be subscribed.
// Lambda to do agent subscription actions.
[this]( const so_5::mbox_t & mbox ) {
so_subscribe( mbox )
.event( &status_listener_t::on_topic_subscribed )
.event( &status_listener_t::on_topic_lost )
.event( &status_listener_t::on_topic_failed );
so_subscribe( mbox ).event( &status_listener_t::on_status_update );
// Send subscription_failed_t message instead on throwing an exception.
mosqt::notify_on_failure );
void status_listener_t::on_topic_failed(
const mosqt::subscription_failed_t & cmd )
// cmd.topic_name() will contain "client/+/status/updates" name.
// cmd.description() will contain description of the failure.
Subscription Timeout
There is a time limit for subscription operation. If SUBACK
response is not received during specified
timeout then the whole subscription operation will be considered as failed. And appropriate reaction will
be performed (see above).
Subscription timeout is 60 seconds by default. It can be changed by set_subscription_timeout
of transport_manager
. This method must be called before registration of transport_manager
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
mosqt::instance_t make_transport(so_5::environment_t & env, mosqt::lib_initializer_t & mosq_init)
mosqt::instance_t instance;
env.introduce_coop( [&](so_5::coop_t & coop) {
auto tm = coop.make_agent< mosqt::a_transport_manager_t >(
mosqt::connection_params_t{"my-clien-id", "localhost", 1883, 30 },
spdlog::stdout_logger_mt("mosqt") );
// Setting the timeout for subscription operation.
tm->set_subscription_timeout( 15s ); // Wait no more than 15 seconds.
instance = tm->instance();
} );
return instance;
Broker Connection And Disconnection Notifications
There are mosquitto_transport::broker_connected_t
signals. They can be used to
detection of connection status. Something like:
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
class client_t : public so_5::agent_t
mosqt::instance_t m_transport;
public :
client_t(context_t ctx, mosqt::instance_t transport)
: so_5::agent_t{ctx}
, m_transport{std::move(transport)}
virtual void so_define_agent() override
so_subscribe( m_transport.mbox() )
.event< mosqt::broker_connected_t >( &client_t::on_connected )
.event< mosqt::broker_disconnected_t >( &client_t::on_disconnected );
Setting The Will
MQTT will can be set by a_transport_manager_t::mqtt_will_set()
method. Please note that this method must be called before the registration of transport manager agent!
namespace mosqt = mosquitto_transport;
mosqt::instance_t make_transport(so_5::environment_t & env, mosqt::lib_initializer_t & mosq_init)
mosqt::instance_t instance;
env.introduce_coop( [&](so_5::coop_t & coop) {
auto tm = coop.make_agent< mosqt::a_transport_manager_t >(
mosqt::connection_params_t{"my-clien-id", "localhost", 1883, 30 },
spdlog::stdout_logger_mt("mosqt") );
// Setting the will for the client.
"clients/statuses/offline", // Topic for the will.
"my-client-id" ); // Payload of the will message.
instance = tm->instance();
} );
return instance;