


NPM version

Generate, validate, and parse React forms based on arbitrary JSON schemas.


npm install --save form-generator-react

Or download from this repo and use globally (FormGenerator) or with RequireJS


To run the demo app, navigate to /demo and run:

npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:3000


First, instantiate a FormGenerator instance as follows:

const formGenerator = new FormGenerator(<inputsMap>);

Next, to instantiate an actual FormGeneratorForm component, use formGenerator.create:

const formComponent = formGenerator.create(<formSchema>, <ref>, <onSubmit>);

Form Schema Options

A valid form schema is just an object of the form

var schema = {
  fieldName1: <FormField>,
  fieldName2: <FormField>,

Where FormField values are objects with metadata describing a field's type, along with additional metadata for things like default values, validation, labels, and the like.

FormField Options

A valid FormField object must have a type attribute (with the exception of hidden fields) and can contain additional metadata.

FormField type Options

Note how in the last three type examples, we define FormField's recursively as objects or arrays of arbitrarily-nested FormField's, each of which can have all of the same metadata as top-level fields (like default values, validators, etc.).

Additional FormField Options

FormField Validators

Here is a list of currently built-in validator-generators, located in the formGenerator.validators object. Each one returns a validator function that takes in a field's current value at the time of invokation and returns an error message (which is then rendered in the form view) if some predicate test fails.


const formGenerator = new FormGenerator({
  TextInput: SomeTextInput,
  // ...

const Example = React.createClass({
  schema: {
    stringField: {
      type: String,
      label: 'String Field',
      defaultValue: 'Welp',
      validators: [
          (val) => {
            if (val.toLowerCase().indexOf('welp') === -1) {
              return 'Error: input must contain "welp"';
      isRequired: true
    passwordField: {
      type: String,
      label: 'Password Field',
      isPassword: true,
      isRequired: true
    numberField: {
      type: Number,
      label: 'Number Field',
      validate: (val) => {
        if (val % 10 !== 0) {
          return 'Error: input must be divisible by 10';
    // Date fields not implemented
    // dateField: {
    //   type: Date,
    //   label: 'Date Field'
    // },
    enumField: {
      type: String,
      enum: ['', 'option 1', 'option 2'],
      label: 'Enum Field',
      defaultValue: 'option 2'
    booleanField: {
      type: Boolean,
      label: 'Boolean Field',
      defaultValue: true
    arrayField: {
      type: [String],
      label: 'Simple Array Field'
    hiddenField: {
      hidden: true,
      defaultValue: 'Hidden Field Data'
    objectField: {
      type: {
        embeddedString: {
          type: String,
          label: 'Object String'
        embeddedArray: {
          type: [String],
          label: 'Embedded Array',
          defaultValue: ['array value 1', 'array value 2']
        embeddedHiddenObjectArray: {
          hidden: true,
          defaultValue: [{
            hiddenFieldData: 'Hidden field data',
            moreHiddenData: 'More hidden data'
      label: 'Object Field'
    arrayOfObjectsField: {
      type: [{
        embeddedString: {
          type: String,
          label: 'Array Object String'
        embeddedEnum: {
          type: Number,
          enum: [1, 2, 3, 4],
          defaultValue: 3,
          label: 'Enum Field'
      label: 'Array of Objects Field'
    arrayOfArraysField: {
      type: [[String]],
      defaultValue: [['1', '2'], ['3', '4']],
      label: 'Array of Array of Strings'
    arrayOfArrayOfArrayOfObjectsField: {
      type: [[[{
        stringField: {
          type: String,
          label: 'String Field'
        arrayField: {
          type: [Number],
          label: 'Array of Numbers'
      defaultValue: [
            stringField: 'String 1',
            arrayField: [1, 2]
          { stringField: 'String 2',
            arrayField: [3, 4]
            stringField: 'String 3',
            arrayField: [5, 6]
      label: 'Array of Array of Array of Objects'

  onSubmit: function(data) {
    console.log('Parsed form data', data);
    // Reset fields back to default values

  render: function() {
    const formElement = formGenerator.create({
      schema: this.schema,
      ref: 'myFormRef',
      onSubmit: this.onSubmit
    return <span>{formElement}</span>;