

Git hook to prevent commits containing temporary or debug code.

Any comment beginning with //!!! will prevent code from being commited. (Thanks Ed George for the syntax suggestion)


In the case of the following function:

bool hasErrorOccurred(){
	// Logic to determine whether error has occurred

The developer may be tempted to modify the code in order to test the application:

bool hasErrorOccurred(){
	return true;
	// Logic to determine whether error has occurred

Flagging this code as temporary will prevent it from being accidentally committed:

bool hasErrorOccurred(){
	//!!! It would be a bad idea to commit this!
	return true;
	// Logic to determine whether error has occurred

#Supported languages

Any language that defines a comment as starting with // can be supported, although the file extension must be added to the shell script.

Currently: C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Swift, Java


Be aware that you can only have a single pre-commit script, so you should check for the existance of .git/hooks/pre-commit to ensure that you are not overwriting your existing script.

cd your_project_root
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SteveBarnegren/DontCommit/master/pre-commit -o .git/hooks/pre-commit && chmod u+x .git/hooks/pre-commit