


Code style: black Coverage Status PyPI version

This is a simple python wrapper for the API of http://restcountries.com. If there are any issues, please use this repository to contact me about it.


pip install python-restcountries


Just import the API Wrapper and start using it!::

from restcountries import RestCountryApiV2 as rapi

def foo(name):
    country_list = rapi.get_countries_by_name('France')

Response filtering

Pass filters as a keyword argument to any of RestCountryApiV2 or RestCountryApi methods, this filters the response returned by the api. Thus the Country Object will only contain the attributes in the filters list.

from restcountries import RestCountryApiV2 as rapi

def foo(name):
    country_list = rapi.get_countries_by_name("France" ,filters=["name","currencies","capital"])

Attributes that can be passed in the filters list.

The Country object

The API returns Country objects or a list of Country objects. Through the country objects one is able to access following attributes.

country = country_list[0]