

Angularjs Requirejs Seed


# get npm dependencies
npm install

# install global npm dependencies
npm -g install grunt-cli
npm -g install bower
npm -g install karma

# also to be able to run tests from cli
# without browser window popping
# consider to install PhantomJS

# get ruby dependencies required to compile styles from sass 
bundle install

Grunt flows

To make development faster and more automated there are several grunt tasks available:



Styles compilation



Libs update

To update all the dependencies to latest compatible versions run bower install.


Tests use Jasmin for assertions.

E2E Tests

Protractor is used to provide way to do e2e tests. To install cd to client folder and run:

npm install -g protractor
// This installs selenium standalone server and chromedriver to ./selenium
// Start the server with
// to run tests
protractor p.conf.js

So far e2e tests are intended to be run against domain that is set in config of protractor task in Grunfile. Later on environment config will be applied.

Checkout Protractor docs for more information.

Future Releases

You can checkout planned new features on the Trello Board. Also feel free to create feature requests on github issues.