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This repository is intended as an example repository containing templates and good practices for creating a WebExtension based add-on for Firefox.

Note: I'm no longer maintaining this repository. The concepts and tools here will likely continue to work. Having automated testing of your code is always a good idea.


The aim of this repository is to bring together tools and services into a template/example repository, so that add-on developers can have a good starting point for created WebExtensions that includes testing suites.

What's here

This repository includes a small WebExtension as an example, and includes the infrastructure to build and test it using Firefox.

It has test suites for lint, unit, and integration/ functional testing. There's also code coverage for the unit tests.

Additionally the test suites are run on the Travis service providing continuous testing coverage. This may be reflected in a developer's own repository where it is open source, providing coverage of pull requests etc.

Quick Start

If you're publishing your extension on github:

Source Tree Outline


It is intended that all parts of this repository have at least outline documentation. If you find any parts that are missing, please file an issue or create a PR.


If you've found an issue with WebExtensions themselves, or wish to discuss them further, please use the add-ons community on discourse

For issues and items not working properly in this repository, please see the issues list, or file a new one.