<h1 align="center">STACKMATE</h1> <div align="center">A multi-purpose Bitcoin Wallet</div> <br /> <p align="center"> <img style="height:500px" src="assets/icon/sm92.png"/> <p/> <br />Table of Contents
At Stackmate, we build software to enable self-sovereignty. We are and will always only ever be managed by Bitcoin remnants.
Our software is free from VC, fiat or shitcoin influences and we actively work to ward off such attempts.
All our software is FOSS. Feel free to do as you please with it.
We aim to achieve:
- Simplicity
- Safety
- Speed
Prioritized in that order.
This app uses stackmate-core for it's Bitcoin specific logic. <br/> stackmate-core is built using Rust. <br/> This app communicates with stackmate-core's Rust binary via FFI.
- Descriptors uses descriptor wallet specifications for simplicity in development and compatability in recovery
- PSBT uses psbt specifications to support watch-only wallets and compatability with hardware wallets
- Taproot supports taproot for single-sig to improve the overall anonymity set of bitcoin transactions
- Cross Platform: built using Flutter 💙 and Rust, allowing easy extension to multiple platforms
Getting Started
<br/>Flutter Development
Make sure Flutter and Dart are installed.
flutter pub get
flutter run
Run freezed code-gen while updating cubit state classes or model classes.
flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
VSCode Explorer
Visibility of files and folders can be toggled from
└── settings.json
Updating stackmate-core
<br/> Make sure Rust and Android NDK are packages/libstackmate
We are very active on git and we do our best to respond to contributers quickly.
Feel free to express yourself in the Issues section.