



This package is now deprecated in favor of Shielded Cache. It is no longer being used in production nor is it being maintained.

Package Information

the GenSpoxy package consist of battle-tested abstractions that help creating in-memory caching

Advantages of GenSpoxy:

  1. Makes it very easy to create from scratch highly-concurrent applicative reverse-proxy that holds an internal short-lived (configurable) cache.
  2. CDN like Origin Shielding - when multiple clients ask for the same request and experience a cache miss, the calculation will be done only once
  3. Supports non-blocking mode for requests that are willing to receive stale cached data
  4. Eases the time-to-market of features that require some caching


  1. The default cache storage used is ETS
  2. The default behaviour is non-blocking
  3. Each request should be transformed to a signature deterministically (a.k.a. req_key)

usage example:

defmodule SampleCache do
  use GenSpoxy.Cache, prerender_module: SamplePrerender

defmodule SamplePrerender do
  use GenSpoxy.Prerender

  @impl true
  def do_req(req) do
    # slow calculation of `req`

  @impl true
  def calc_req_key(req) do
    Enum.join(req, "-")

# usage
opts = [
  table_name: "sample-table",
  do_janitor_work: true, # whether we garbage collect expired data
  ttl_ms: 5_000 # the data is considered non-stale for 5 seconds

# `req` is application dependant
req = %{url: "https://www.very-slow-server.com", platform: "mobile"}

SampleCache.get_or_fetch(req, opts)  # blocking manner

SampleCache.async_get_or_fetch(req, opts)  # async manner (we're OK with accepting a stale response)