


This is a open-source TeamSpeak3 bot, playing music and much more.


To see what's planned and in progress take a look into our Roadmap.

Bot Commands

The bot is fully operable via chat.
To get started write !help to the bot.
For all commands check out our live OpenApiV3 generator.
For an in-depth command tutorial see here in the wiki.



Pick and download the build for your platform and liking:

Versions are mostly considered stable but won't get bigger features as fast.Will always have the latest and greatest but might not be fully stable or have broken features.
DockerDocker (NOTE: This build is community-maintained. It comes with all dependencies as well as youtube-dl preconfigured)-

(We have more builds like linux arm/arm64 and .NET framework dependent builds available on our nightly server)


Install the required dependencies:


  1. Get the ffmpeg 32bit or 64bit binary.
  2. Open the archive and copy the ffmpeg binary from ffmpeg-latest-winXX-static/bin/ffmpeg.exe into your TS3AudioBot folder.

Optional Dependencies

If the bot can't play some youtube videos it might be due to some embedding restrictions which are blocking this.
You can install the youtube-dl binary or source folder (and specify the path in the config) to try to bypass this.

First time setup

  1. Run the bot with ./TS3AudioBot (Linux) or TS3AudioBot.exe (Windows) and follow the setup instructions.
  2. (Optional) Close the bot and configure your rights.toml to your desires. You can use the template rules as suggested in the automatically generated file, or dive into the rights syntax here. Then start the bot again.
  3. (Optional, but highly recommended for everything to work properly).
    • Create a privilege key for the ServerAdmin group (or a group which has equivalent rights).
    • Send the bot in a private message !bot setup <privilege key>.
  4. Congratz, you're done! Enjoy listening to your favourite music, experimenting with the crazy command system or do whatever you whish to do ;).
    For further reading check out the CommandSystem.

Building manually

Build statusBuild status


Download the git repository with git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Splamy/TS3AudioBot.git.


  1. Get the latest dotnet core 3.1 version by following this tutorial and choose your platform
  2. Go into the directory of the repository with cd TS3AudioBot
  3. Execute dotnet build --framework netcoreapp3.1 --configuration Release TS3AudioBot to build the AudioBot
  4. The binary will be in ./TS3AudioBot/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1 and can be run with dotnet TS3AudioBot.dll


  1. Make sure you have Visual Studio with the dotnet core 3.1 development toolchain installed
  2. Build the AudioBot with Visual Studio.

Building the WebInterface

  1. Go with the console of your choice into the ./WebInterface folder
  2. Run npm install to restore or update all dependencies for this project
  3. Run npm run build to build the project.
    The built project will be in ./WebInterface/dist.
    Make sure to the set the webinterface path in the ts3audiobot.toml to this folder.
  4. You can alternatively use npm run start for development.
    This will use the webpack dev server with live reload instead of the ts3ab server.



:speech_balloon: Want to help translate or improve translation?
Join us on Transifex to help translate
or in our Gitter to discuss or ask anything!
All help is appreciated :heart:

Translations need to be manually approved and will then be automatically built and deployed to our nightly server here.


This project is licensed under OSL-3.0.

Why OSL-3.0:

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