


This is a decryptor for the ransomware BlackByte. The key is stored in a file called forest.png, which was downloaded from http[:]//


This requires .NET core 3.1 runtime which you can download from here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/3.1

Decrypting an encrypted file

> BlackByteDecryptor forest.png spider.png.blackbyte

Decrypting a directory

> BlackByteDecryptor forest.png c:\temp

This will decrypt files in the c:\temp directory, or to recursively decrypt a directory:

> BlackByteDecryptor forest.png c:\temp -r

Pre-built binary

We suggest building the source yourself, but if you prefer a pre-built binary, you can download it here. We have also provided a sample encrypted file called spider.png.blackbyte.

Write up and analysis

BlackByte Ransomware – Pt. 1 In-depth Analysis

BlackByte Ransomware – Pt 2. Code Obfuscation Analysis