

<h2 style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle"> <center><a href="https://www.sphereon.com"><img src="https://sphereon.com/content/themes/sphereon/assets/img/logo.svg" alt="Sphereon" width="320" style="vertical-align: middle" ></a></center>

<br>SIOP v2 Demo Website
<br> <br>


This is a demo website to test and showcase our "Self Issued OpenID Provider v2 (SIOP)" library.

NOTE: Please note, this is not intended as production code, nor a starting point for your own implementation. It is a quite simple and crude implementation to show how the SIOPv2 and OIDC4VP tech can work.

Getting started

Configure environment

In the ./onto-demo-server folder, create a file called .env.local and populate it using .env as example. A valid config will look like this


Except for the IP address this is a valid configuration to test with. You will need to replace it with the public IP interface/address where this server will be running and make sure it is accessible from your phone and the port is open in the firewall.

Build & start

From the root directory

The server will start on port 5001, the client will start & open a browser on http://localhost:3000/


Once the demo site has loaded, you should see the following screen:


Click "Sign in" A QR code will appear which can be scanned with the mobile OP authenticator module from our SSI-SDK.


Once the SIOP accepts the receipt of the Presentation Definition the screen will change to: login-wait-def-screen.png

As soon as the SIOP sends in the Verifiable Presentation that conforms to the definition the SIOP will be authenticated: login-wait-def-screen.png

Note the Information in the top left corner which actually comes from the Verifiable Credential sent by the SIOP.

app "rn-did-siop-example-app" After a successful login two extra page will appear in the menu navigation.

Presentation Definition

Since this is just a demo. The Relying Party (Server) asks for a Credential from the SIOP containing a chamber of commerce credential. If you want to test it yourself you would need to issue/create a VC containing that info.

Of course you could also change the Server.ts file and adjust the fixed definition in there. We will make this a bit more configurable soon.


  "id": "9449e2db-791f-407c-b086-c21cc677d2e0",
  "purpose": "You need to prove your Chamber of Commerce data to login",
  "submission_requirements": [
      "name": "kvk",
      "rule": "Pick",
      "count": 1,
      "from": "A"
  "input_descriptors": [
      "id": "chamberOfCommerceSchema",
      "purpose": "checking the schema",
      "name": "kvkCredentialSchema",
      "group": [
      "schema": [
          "uri": "https://sphereon-opensource.github.io/vc-contexts/myc/bedrijfsinformatie-v1.jsonld"

Example VC:

  "@context": [
  "credentialSubject": {
    "UBOInformatie": {
      "voornamen": "John",
      "achternaam": "Doe",
      "geboortedatum": "20-11-1988",
      "geboorteplaats": "Amsterdam",
      "geboorteland": "The Netherlands",
      "nationaliteit": "NL",
      "straatnaam": "Markt",
      "huisnummer": "76",
      "postcode": "1111 JA",
      "plaats": "Amsterdam",
      "politiekPersoon": "Nee",
      "uboBestuurder": "Ja",
      "directBelang": 20,
      "indirectBelang": 33,
      "geverifieerdePaspoort": "Ja",
      "geverifieerdeBankrekening": "Ja"
    "id": "did:key:z6MkwFoX1bPNgU8iaNzNiC5c6V57PgSdX7Dztwt5tTeqa5UT"
  "id": "df12af94-4a5e-48f0-b4b4-ced533c979aa",
  "issuanceDate": "2022-07-06T20:51:42.841Z",
  "issuer": "did:example:firm24",
  "type": [


From the root folder run:

docker build -t onto-web-demo .
docker run -it -p 5001:5001 -p 3000:3000 onto-web-demo

Docker compose

From the root folder run:

docker-compose up