


<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6842167/172497072-e196c2d0-f0f9-4039-83f4-5d7e056e97cf.png" width="375" height="auto"> </p> <p align="center" style="font-weight: bold;"> a command-line file transfer utility for sending files from any computer to another </p> <br> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/SpatiumPortae/portal/releases"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/spatiumportae/portal?color=%231777AB&label=version"></a> &nbsp; <a href="https://github.com/SpatiumPortae/portal/actions"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/SpatiumPortae/portal/ci.yml?branch=master&color=%231777AB"></a> &nbsp; <a href="https://github.com/SpatiumPortae/portal/blob/master/LICENSE"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/spatiumportae/portal?color=%231777AB"></a> </p>


On macOS/Linux, if you are using Homebrew

brew install portal

On Windows, if you are using Scoop

scoop install portal

On Windows, if you are using WinGet

winget install SpatiumPortae.portal

On Arch Linux (AUR)

yay -S portal-bin
<!-- // Hidden until the snap build is granted the right filesystem permissions. On the Snap Store ```bash sudo snap install portal ``` -->

On any platform, you can get the latest release manually, or simply run

curl -sL portal.spatiumportae.com | bash


wget -qO - portal.spatiumportae.com | bash

How it works

Sending files and folders

To send files:

portal send <file1> <file2> <folder1> <folder2> ...

The application will output a temporary password on the format 1-inertia-elliptical-celestial. <br><br> The sender will communicate this password to the receiver over some secure channel.

Receiving files and folders

To receive those files:

portal receive 1-intertia-elliptical-celestial

The two clients will establish a connection through a relay server. The file transfer will then commence with a direct or relayed connection, depending on what's possible.

What it looks like ✨

The sender (top) sends a folder and three files to the receiver (bottom). <br><br> In this case, as you can see in the event log, the transfer is made using direct transfer. That means that the files are sent directly from one client to the other, no middlemen involved. <br><br> As it happens, these computers are in the same local network, and portal recognizes this.



portal provides:


portal provides extensive <kbd>TAB</kbd> completions for the following shells:

To see installation instructions for your shell and platform, run:

portal completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell] --help


You probably didn't quite catch the password Bob was screaming across the room. <br> You can use <kbd>TAB</kbd> completions to auto-complete passwords on the receiving end.

Press <kbd>TAB</kbd> when entering parts of your password...

portal receive 42-relative-parsec-s...

...and portal will suggest the possible words

$ portal receive 42-relative-parsec-s...

42-relative-parsec-supernova  42-relative-parsec-scatter    42-relative-parsec-solar      42-relative-parsec-spin       42-relative-parsec-static     
42-relative-parsec-sigma      42-relative-parsec-solid      42-relative-parsec-star       42-relative-parsec-storm      42-relative-parsec-system

boom. supernova.

portal receive 42-relative-parsec-supernova




Sender and Receiver

Sender, Receiver and Relay


portal places its configuration file in $HOME/.config/portal/config.yml. <br><br> As evident by the file extension, the config is a simple YAML file with descriptive field names.

Default configuration

# The URL of the relay server.
relay: portal.spatiumportae.com
# Log debug output to file.
verbose: false
# Prompt for overwriting duplicates when receiving files.
prompt_overwrite_files: true
# The port used when serving the relay using "portal serve".
relay_serve_port: 8080
# The style of the TUI.
tui_style: rich

Hosting your own relay

The portal binary comes with a built-in relay server. <br><br> Spinning up your own relay is as easy as...

portal serve --port 1337

The server log output is JSON. Super-recommended to run it through jq!

portal serve --port 1337 2>&1 | jq .


  "level": "info",
  "ts": "2023-02-28T02:57:45.310134+01:00",
  "caller": "rendezvous/server.go:77",
  "msg": "serving rendezvous server",
  "version": "v1.2.1",
  "address": ":1337"

More details about the connection process

<details> <summary>Technical details</summary>

Technical details

The connection between the sender and the server is negotiated using a intermediary server (relay). <br><br> The relay server is used to negotiate a secure encrypted channel while never seeing the contents of files nor the temporary password.

The communication works as follows:


Building from source

The Makefile has everything you need. <br><br> To build a binary containing all commands, run:

PORTAL_VERSION=v1.x.x make build

It's important to include PORTAL_VERSION, which is a semantic version string. This is needed in order to validate senders and receivers against the relay, so transfers are disallowed when on different major versions, for instance.



a big thank you to magic-wormhole for greatly inspiring the concept of Portal.

nhooyr/websocket, shollz/pake, charmbracelet/bubbles, charmbracelet/bubbletea, charmbracelet/lipgloss, muesli/reflow, klauspost/pgzip and many, many more.

DigitalOcean <3

A special thanks to our sponsors DigitalOcean. <br><br> The public relay available for everyone to use is...

DigitalOcean Referral Badge