

Register Machine Simulator

A Java simulation of the register machine described in https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1718/CompTheory/


As Binary

The Java JAR file can be found in the /bin directory.

From Source

Upon compiling the source, EntryPoint.java is what is called by the JAR File.

Running EntryPoint in Pack mode is equivalent to running Packer Running EntryPoint in Unpack mode is equivalent to running Unpacker Running EntryPoint in Run mode is equivalent to running RegisterMachine

How to use the Simulator

java -jar RegisterMachineSimulator.jar (pack|unpack|run) args

This simulator has 3 modes:

  1. Pack mode: This takes a file of instructions and outputs the integer associated with this instruction
  2. Unpack mode: This takes an integer and outputs the instructions associated with that integer
  3. Run mode: This takes a set of instructions (or a packed integer), and a set of registers, and runs the program on the input registers.

Pack Mode

pack filepath

The input argument is a filepath containing RegisterMachine source.

The output is an integer which codes the instructions

Currently due to limitations of the Long type only trivial programs can be correctly packed.

The program will warn you if the Packed result is likely incorrect.

Unpack Mode

unpack int [--assembly]

The input argument is an integer which represents a program The output argument is the program represented by the Integer.

If --assembly is specified, the output is in a format which can be read by the RegisterMachine in Run mode.

Otherwise, the output is pretty-printed in notation analogous to the lecture notes.


unpack 786432 --assembly


DEC 0 0 2

Run Mode

run (--packed int)|(filename) [regs]

[regs] is a space-separated list of registers which will act as the input.

If no registers are specified it will be assumed that all registers are initialised to zero.

Run from file

run filename [regs]


run addr.regsrc 5 2

This will execute the file addr.regsrc on the registers configured as such:

R_0 = 0
R_1 = 5
R_2 = 2

R_0 is the output register. Hence, the output will be:

L_0: R_1- -> L_1, L_2
L_1: R_0+ -> L_0
L_2: R_2- -> L_3, L_4
L_3: R_0+ -> L_2

Program trace
L_0: {R_0: 0,R_1: 5,R_2: 2}
L_1: {R_0: 0,R_1: 4,R_2: 2}
L_0: {R_0: 1,R_1: 4,R_2: 2}
L_1: {R_0: 1,R_1: 3,R_2: 2}
L_0: {R_0: 2,R_1: 3,R_2: 2}
L_1: {R_0: 2,R_1: 2,R_2: 2}
L_0: {R_0: 3,R_1: 2,R_2: 2}
L_1: {R_0: 3,R_1: 1,R_2: 2}
L_0: {R_0: 4,R_1: 1,R_2: 2}
L_1: {R_0: 4,R_1: 0,R_2: 2}
L_0: {R_0: 5,R_1: 0,R_2: 2}
L_2: {R_0: 5,R_1: 0,R_2: 2}
L_3: {R_0: 5,R_1: 0,R_2: 1}
L_2: {R_0: 6,R_1: 0,R_2: 1}
L_3: {R_0: 6,R_1: 0,R_2: 0}
L_2: {R_0: 7,R_1: 0,R_2: 0}
L_4: {R_0: 7,R_1: 0,R_2: 0}
Clean halt

Result = 7

Run from packed integer

run --packed int [regs]


run --packed 786432 3

Runs with the output:

L_0: R_0- -> L_0, L_2

Program trace
L_0: {R_0: 0,R_1: 3}
L_2: {R_0: 0,R_1: 3}
Erroneous halt

Result = 0

Assembly Code

Each line of a file must be in one of the following formats:

  1. HALT will stop the program
  2. INC REGISTER NEXT_LABEL will increment REGISTER and jump to NEXT_LABEL
  3. DEC REGISTER LABEL_1 LABEL_2 will decrement REGISTER and jump to LABEL_1 if REGISTER is greater than zero, otherwise it will jump to LABEL_2

REGISTER, NEXT_LABEL, LABEL_1, and LABEL_2 must be nonnegative integers.

The first line of the file represents L_0 in a theoretical register machine, the second line represents L_1, and so on.