


Build Status

This tool checks for TODOs in code and ensures that they are linked to JIRA cards.


This tool is designed to support a workflow where any TODO in the codebase is attached to an open Jira ticket. Tickets with open TODOs can't be closed, and TODOs without cards can't be added.

This is one way to ensure that all TODOs get done or are removed in a timely fashion, avoiding the problem of a codebase littered with many old and forgotten TODO comments.

Setting up a Jenkins or other regular CI build that runs this tool will give your team the freedom to safely use TODOs to mark pending work directly in the codebase, safe in the knowledge those TODOs will never get forgotten.


Running this tool will:

  1. Update the JIRA cards with a comment listing any code TODOs which are pending against that card.
  2. Exit with a failure status if there are any code TODOs against cards which are closed or in review, or TODOs with no card at all.
  3. Optionally produce a report of all JIRA cards which are in an inappropriate state. This report can be written out to disk or posted to slack.

How to use

To run execute:

  sbt run \
    --src ../ppc-manager \
    --jira-url https://jira.softwire.com/jira/
    --jira-project AAA \
    --github-url https://github.com/softwire/todo-checker \
    --jira-username Jenkins \
    --jira-password *****

This will find pieces of code that look like

// TODO: AAA-47 update this code to handle bars as well as foos

And link them to the jira ticket AAA-47.

CAUTION: you should not run this project unless you really know what you are doing; it will make lots of changes to your live JIRA. The code will not write to JIRA unless you pass --write-to-jira; it runs in a dry-run mode by default.

Return codes

The TODO checker will return:


Pass the --report-file <file-path> argument to generate a report file containing details of TODO cards which are closed or in review.

Pass the --slack-token and --slack-channel arguments to post a report to slack containing details of TODO cards which are closed or in review.


Add the string todo-checker-ignore to a line to ignore it.

Use the --exclude-path-regex argument to exclude files or directories.

Multi-repository projects

If you have many Git repositories but only one Jira project (or want to track multiple branches) then either:

  1. Run the tool several times, once per project, and use the --job-name flag to distinguish them:

    sbt run --src ../project-A --job-name ProjectA --jira-project AAA
    sbt run --src ../project-B --job-name ProjectB --jira-project AAA

    This method is suitable if you have a build per repository, for example.

  2. Or run the tool once passing the --src command multiple times:

    sbt run --src ../project-A --src ../project-B --jira-project AAA

    This method is suitable if you have a build across all your repositories, for example.