



Source code for Social Recommendation with Self-Supervised Metagraph Informax Network


More Details

data preprocessing

Code running example

Run main.py:

python main.py --dataset CiaoDVD --hide_dim 16 --layer_dim [16] --lr 0.05 --reg 0.05  --lambda1 0.06 --lambda2 0.002 

Combination of sub-modules and code organization


BPRData.py: for generating the positive and negative instances corresponding to training and test set, respectively

evaluate.py: perform evaluation of our proposed framework

MV_MIL (Multi-view Graph-Structured Mutual Information Learning Paradigm)

informax.py: incorporate the learned social- and knowledge-aware dependence to guide the user-item interaction embedding process through deriving mutual information terms from different views.

gcn.py and graphconv.py: the basic graph neural network architecture with the convolutional relation encoder


TimeLogger.py: log timestamp information

tools.py: convert the sparse matrices to sparse tensors


model class integrates the graph neural network architecture with high-order relation modeling SemanticAttention class defines the attention mechanism to aggregate metapath-specific representations

main.py In the trainModel of Hope class, we adopt the model.py to optimize the loss of user-item interaction learing component.

The joint learning component of i) meta-relation heterogeneity encoding and ii) multi-view graph-structured mutual information learning is defined informax.py.