


Formatter Bundle

Build Status

A formatter package that will help you to easily convert between various formats such as XML, JSON, CSV, etc...


The goals of this library are to allow the transfomation of data formats from one type to another. See Parsers and Formats to see supported input / output formats.


Through command line:

composer require soapbox/laravel-formatter

Through composer.json:

  "require": {
    "soapbox/laravel-formatter": "2.x"


All of the following are supported formats that the formatter can read from.


All of the following are formats that are supported for output.

General Usage

Including The Formatter

use SoapBox\Formatter\Formatter;

Supported Types

Formatter::JSON; //json
Formatter::CSV;  //csv
Formatter::XML;  //xml
Formatter::ARR;  //array
Formatter::YAML; //yaml

Making Your First Formatter(s)

$formatter = Formatter::make($jsonString, Formatter::JSON);
$formatter = Formatter::make($yamlString, Formatter::YAML);
$formatter = Formatter::make($array, Formatter::ARR);

Outputting From Your Formatter

$csv   = $formatter->toCsv();
$json  = $formatter->toJson();
$xml   = $formatter->toXml();
$array = $formatter->toArray();
$yaml  = $formatter->toYaml();

Deprecated Functionality

The following have been deprecated from the library, however you can easily continue using them in your application

Serialized Array

$serialized = serialize($formatter->toArray());

PHP Export

$export = var_export($formatter->toArray());