

SocFGPA - Chameleon96

The Chameleon96™ board, based on Intel® Cyclone V SoC FPGA, is a member of 96Boards community and complies with Consumer Edition board specifications (excluding MIPI SDI Interface).

The Chameleon96™ features Dual ARM Cortex-A9 processors, 110K Logic Elements FPGA fabric, 512 MB DDR3 and a set of peripherals allow direct interfacing and connecting to MMC/SD card, HDMI out, USB, WLAN and BLE. Two expansion connectors provide additional interfaces to cameras, USB, UARTs, I2C, SPI and GPIOs.

Most of the examples and tutorials shown here should be highly compatible with any Cyclone V SoC FPGA like the Terasic DE10-Nano, Arrow SoCKit.

The folders contain the following information:


Contributing is needed to increase the amount of resources and projects available to the community. Any language can be used for documenting the projects.


Se necesita la colaboración para poder incrementar los recursos disponibles para la comunidad entorno esta placa de desarrollo. La documentación que acompañe los proyectos puede estar redactada en cualquier idioma.

Other media

Useful sites with info about the Chameleon96 board: