


BlueSpace is the name of an interpreter for the Whitespace programming language.


Whitespace is an esoteric programming language that was created by Edwin Brady and Chris Morris and is based at http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/. Its syntax consists entirely of characters that are usually invisible when displayed by a computer: space, horizontal tab and line feed.


This interpreter is written in Python 3 and boasts the following features:

To run a Whitespace program, simply execute ./bspace.py source.ws; to see other options, use ./bspace.py --help.

Assembly Syntax

Each line of the source must match one of the following forms, where number is any decimal integer and label is any string of s and t characters with an optional trailing n. Each line maps to a single Whitespace instruction. A # begins a comment; it and any subsequent characters on the same line are ignored.

<pre> Push <i>number</i> Duplicate Copy <i>number</i> Swap Discard Slide <i>number</i> Add Subtract Multiply Divide Modulo Store Retrieve Label <i>label</i> Call <i>label</i> Jump <i>label</i> JumpZero <i>label</i> JumpNegative <i>label</i> Return End OutputChar OutputNum ReadChar ReadNum </pre>


I have another page about Whitespace and BlueSpace which includes some of my own Whitespace programs at http://cpjsmith.co.uk/whitespace