


v1.9.5 - A Jellyfin Manager for the Jellyfin generic linux amd64, arm64, and armhf tar.gz packages

Tested on Fedora 34-40, Ubuntu 22.04-24.04, Manjaro 21.3.6, EndeavourOS Artemis Neo/Nova/Cassini Nova, Linux Mint 21, and Rocky/Alma/RHEL Linux 8.6/9.0

Should work on Any Debian, Arch, or RHEL Based Distribution with SystemD


Jellyman is a lightweight BASH CLI (Command Line Interface) tool for installing and managing Jellyfin. Most notably, The ability to download and install the Jellyfin Media Server and switch between already downloaded versions of Jellyfin on the fly. As well as create a full backup (automatically or manually) so you can move or import all your metadata and user information to another machine.

Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/Smiley-McSmiles/jellyman
cd jellyman
chmod ug+x setup.sh
sudo ./setup.sh
cd ~/


    └── NOTE - Supplied URL has to be formatted like: jellyfin_x.x.x-<ARCHITECTURE>.tar.gz
    └── Checks and downloads most recent version from GitHub.
    ├── jellyman -b "/path/to/backup/directory" will output a jellyfin-backup.tar to that directory.
    ├── jellyman -ba will perform an automatic backup. But only if automatic backups are set up.
    └── jellyman -bu will launch the automatic backup setup utility.
    ├── Media metadata will only import if your new OS/setup and old OS/setup media folders are exactly the same.
    └── User and Web-UI configurations will still import just fine however.
    └── Uses 'chmod -R 770' on your media directory.
    └── Provides a list of currently installed versions of Jellyfin for you to remove.
    └── Provides a list of Jellyfin versions for you to download.
    └── Provides a list of currently installed versions of Jellyfin for you to switch to.
    ├── 1.5GB/hr is recommended for 1080p.
    ├── 3GB/hr is recommended for 4k.
    ├── Now uses AV1 codec (No HDR).
    └── Please be careful as this can delete media files.
         └──Select [no] to delete original files to preserve your media.
    └── Does not remove backup archives or media files.

Example Install

Click to watch video example install


1. Start first time setup
2. Force update Jellyman
3. Import a jellyfin-backup.tar file

> Please select the number corresponding with the option you want to select.
[1-3] >>> 1

> Fetching newest stable Jellyfin version...

> Is Jellyfin CURRENTLY installed on this system?
[y/N] >>> no

> Please enter the LINUX user for Jellyfin
[jellyfin] >>> jellyfin
> Linux user = jellyfin
> Unpacking /home/smiley/jellyman/jellyfin_10.9.8-amd64.tar.gz...
> Installing dependencies...
> Preparing to install needed dependancies for Jellyfin...
> ID=fedora
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
Last metadata expiration check: 1:16:45 ago on Wed 31 Jul 2024 05:16:09 AM CDT.
> Setting Permissions for Jellyfin...
> Unblocking port 8096 and 8920...


|                 Navigate to http://localhost:8096/                |
|         in your Web Browser to claim your Jellyfin server         |

|         To enable https please enter 'sudo jellyman -rc'          |
|       (After you have navigated to the Jellyfin Dashboard)        |
|                                                                   |
|                To manage Jellyfin use 'jellyman -h'               |

> Press 'q' to exit next screen
● jellyfin.service - Jellyfin Media Server - Installed by Jellyman
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/jellyfin.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
    Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-07-31 06:32:56 CDT; 5s ago
   Main PID: 11878 (jellyfin.sh)
      Tasks: 21 (limit: 23170)
     Memory: 112.8M (peak: 128.1M)
        CPU: 5.178s
     CGroup: /system.slice/jellyfin.service
             ├─11878 /bin/bash /opt/jellyfin/jellyfin.sh
             └─11879 /opt/jellyfin/jellyfin/jellyfin -d /opt/jellyfin/data -C /opt/jellyfin/cache -c /opt/jellyfin/config -l /opt/jellyfin/log --ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg

Jul 31 06:33:01 stronglap jellyfin.sh[11879]: [06:33:01] [INF] [6] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: FFmpeg: /usr/bin/ffmpeg
Jul 31 06:33:01 stronglap jellyfin.sh[11879]: [06:33:01] [INF] [6] Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost: ServerId: 264746fa848346df86e221b850267006
Jul 31 06:33:01 stronglap jellyfin.sh[11879]: [06:33:01] [INF] [6] Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost: Core startup complete
Jul 31 06:33:01 stronglap jellyfin.sh[11879]: [06:33:01] [INF] [6] Main: Startup complete 0:00:04.8788077

> Would you like to remove the cloned git directory /home/smiley/jellyman?
[Y/n] >>> no
> Okay, keeping /home/smiley/jellyman


Jellyman - The Jellyfin Manager
-Created by Smiley McSmiles

Syntax: jellyman -[COMMAND] [PARAMETER]

-b,   --backup               [DIRECTORY] Input directory to output backup archive.
-ba,  --backup-auto          Perform an automatic backup.
-bu,  --backup-utility       Start the automatic backup utility.
-d,   --disable              Disable Jellyfin on System Start.
-e,   --enable               Enable Jellyfin on System Start.
-h,   --help                 Print this Help.
-i,   --import               Display list of backup .tar files to Import and automatically restores the selected backup.
-p,   --permissions          [DIRECTORY - optional] Reset the permissions of Jellyfin's Media Library or supplied directory.
-r,   --restart              Restart Jellyfin.
-s,   --start                Start Jellyfin.
-S,   --stop                 Stop Jellyfin.
-t,   --status               Status of Jellyfin.
-sm,  --search-media         Search Media in your media directory/directories.
-lm,  --list-media           Provide a tree list of all media (output saved to /tmp/media.txt).
-u,   --update-jellyfin      [URL - optional] Downloads and updates the current stable or supplied Jellyfin version.
-U,   --update-jellyman      Update Jellyman - The Jellyfin Manager.
-ub,  --update-beta          Update Jellyfin to the most recent Beta.
-ls,  --library-scan         Tell Jellyfin to scan your media library.
-v,   --version              Get the current installed version of Jellyfin.
-vd,  --version-download     Download an available Jellyfin version from the stable repository.
-vs,  --version-switch       Switch Jellyfin version for another previously installed version.
-vr,  --version-remove       Remove a Jellyfin version.
-vl   --view-log             Choose from a list of logs to view.
-rc,  --recertify            Removes old https certifications and creates new ones for the next 365 days.
-rn,  --rename               Batch renaming script for TV shows.
-cp,  --change-http          Change Jellyfins http network port - Default = 8096.
-cps, --change-https         Change Jellyfins https network port - Default = 8920.
-ik,  --import-key           Import a Jellyfin API key (Needed for `-ls` command).
-md,  --media-directory      Change the Media Directory for Jellyman.
-tc,  --transcode            Transcode a file/directory with a GB per hour filter (1.5GB is recommended).
-tcp, --transcode-progress   View progress of the Transcode.
-tcs, --transcode-stop       Stop the current transcode process.
-X,   --uninstall            Uninstall Jellyfin and Jellyman Completely.

- To stop jellyfin, disable on startup, and then get status of the jellyfin service:
├── "sudo jellyman --stop --disable --status"
└── "sudo jellyman -S -d -t"

In case Jellyman wont upgrade itself

git clone https://github.com/Smiley-McSmiles/jellyman.git
cd jellyman
chmod ug+x setup.sh
sudo ./setup.sh -U
cd ~/


This project is licensed under the GPL V3.0 License.