


RevBugBench is a fuzzing benchmark generated by FixReverter, with the idea of automated generation of real-world like bugs. See our paper FIXREVERTER: A Realistic Bug Injection Methodology for Benchmarking Fuzz Testing for more details.

This repository consists of 5 directories, and each of them will be introduced in the following sections.


RevBugBench currently supports FuzzBench commit 7c70037a73d2cc66627c6109d53d20b3594f85c9. The diff file shows the modifications made by RevBugBench. The following commands will apply the changes.

cd [path/to/fuzzbench]
git checkout 7c70037a73d2cc66627c6109d53d20b3594f85c9
git apply [path/to/the/diff/file]

The changes in the diff file can also be manually ported the the lastest verion of FuzzBench.


Target programs in this directory consist of 8 fuzzing targets from FuzzBench and 2 commonly fuzzed Binutils utilities, injected with bugs by FixReverter. Versions of each program can be found in the Dockerfile in each program's directory. The target programs are compatible with FuzzBench benchmarks. They can be added to FuzzBench by copying each program directory into the benchmarks directory of FuzzBench.

cp -r [path/to/revbugbench]/benchmarks/* [path/to/fuzzbench]/benchmarks

RevBugBench can then be fuzzed the same with as FuzzBench, including setting up prerequites and running local experiments.


This folder contains the data dependency analysis results for each benchmark program generated by FixReverter. They are needed in the triage process, and will be elobrated in the triage section.


This folder contains the driver used by RevBugBench to triage programs with LibFuzzer fuzzing harness. The triage driver is compatible with FuzzBench fuzzers, and will be built automatically by the triage scripts with the help of FuzzBench Makefile.


This folder contains the scripts for triage.


The triage scripts are developed with python 3.9.0. The requirements.txt specifies packages used by the scripts. To install them, run with

pip install -r requirements.txt


Before running the scripts, a config file needs to be first set up. The example config lists all the necessary configs with explanations in the comments.

After setting up the config file, the data dependency analysis results need to be manually placed on the workDir.

cp -r [path/to/revbugbench]/ddas [path/to/workDir]/dda_store

Triage binary images

The triage binaries are manually built with FuzzBench. First copy the triage binary source code to FuzzBench.

cp -r [path/to/revbugbench]/fuzzers/fr_triage_driver [path/to/fuzzbench]/fuzzers

Generate the makefile to build the docker image.

cd [path/to/fuzzbench]
# the venv is created when setting up fuzzbench with `make install-dependencies`
source .venv/bin/activate
PYTHONPATH=. python3 docker/generate_makefile.py triage.mk

For each benchmark to triage, build the triage binary image by

make -f triage.mk .fr_triage_driver-[benchmark name]-builder

The triage script will then use the built image to extract triage binaries.

Command-line Options

The main script to run the triage is main.py. The following command-line options decided the triage tasks to perform.

--setup / -s

Extract fuzzing corpus from fuzzbench results and set up triage binaries. It needs to be executed before the other tasks.

--triage / -t

Run the triage binaries on fuzzing results and produce triage results. It needs to be executed before --report.

--report / -r

Summarize triage results and generate performance plots/tables/figures on out directory.

--config / -c

Path to the config file, default to [path/to/revbugbench]/triage/config.ini.


Running the triage tasks in sequence will generate the performance plots/tables/figures.

cd [path/to/revbugbench/triage]
PYTHONPATH=. python3 main.py -c [path/to/config/file] -s
PYTHONPATH=. python3 main.py -c [path/to/config/file] -t
PYTHONPATH=. python3 main.py -c [path/to/config/file] -r


Please consider citing our USENIX Security 2022 paper if you use FixReverter/RevBugBench in your academic work:

@inproceedings {281412,
	title = {{FIXREVERTER}: A Realistic Bug Injection Methodology for Benchmarking Fuzz Testing},
	booktitle = {31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22)},
	year = {2022},
	address = {Boston, MA},
	url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity22/presentation/zhang-zenong},
	publisher = {USENIX Association},
	month = aug,