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INSA - Typst Template

Typst Template for documents from the french engineering school INSA.
It was primarily made for INSA Rennes, but it now includes INSA HdF assets and INSA CVL assets and should be easily modified to suit other INSA schools.


You can find examples for the all the document types in the exemples folder.


From the online package

Templates are available in the official Typst templates repository (Typst Universe):

There are multiple ways to use them:

Replace <template-name> by the one you need and <version> by the latest version available, see at the top.

From sources (editable version)

  1. Create a Typst project, either from the CLI (typst init) or from the Web application.
  2. Download the code from GitHub. To do that, click on the green "Code" button and then "Download ZIP".
  3. Open the ZIP archive file and copy the insa-template folder in the directory with your Typst project.
  4. (OPTIONAL) If you are using the Typst web application, you have to first create the insa-template folder by clicking on the little folder button in the "Files" panel.
  5. (OPTIONAL) After creating the folder, simply drag all the files from insa-template that you downloaded in it
  6. At this point, your file hierarchy should look like this:
    ├── document-template.typ
    ├── letter-template.typ
    └── assets/
        ├── back-cover1.png
        ├── ...
        └── logo.png
  7. Choose between the available templates: insa-document, insa-report, insa-stage, insa-letter or insa-slides.
  8. Add this line at the beginning of your Typst file (by default, main.typ):
    #import "insa-template/letter-template.typ" : * // for letters and short documents
    #import "insa-template/document-template.typ" : * // for reports, stages and full documents
    #import "insa-template/slides-template.typ" : * // for presentations
  9. Copy the #show rule from the example document of the template you chose to your Typst file. In example:
    #show: doc => insa-letter(
      author: [
        Youenn LE JEUNE\
        3 INFO G2.1
  10. Enjoy!

Fonts (polices)

The graphic charter recommends the fonts League Spartan for headings and Source Serif for regular text. To have the best look, you should install those fonts.

To behave correctly on computers lacking those specific fonts, this template will automatically fallback to similar ones:

The recommended fonts are included in this repository under /fonts.

Note on variable fonts

If you want to install those fonts on your computer, Typst might not recognize them if you install their Variable versions. You should install the static versions: League Spartan Bold and most versions of Source Serif (Regular, Bold and Italic).

Keep an eye on the issue in Typst bug tracker to see when variable fonts will be used!


The template can be used in the web Typst editor and in a local environment.

I personnally prefer to use it in Visual Studio Code with the Tinymist Typst extension.

You can also directly edit your Typst files with a simple text editor and compile it with the Typst CLI. See Installation and Usage sections on the official Typst repository.


The typst templates (.typ files) are licensed under MIT.
This license does not apply to: