


auto-venv is a Zsh plugin that automatically activates the Python virtual environment in the current directory or its parent directories.


Use zplug to install the plugin:

zplug "Skylor-Tang/auto-venv", use:auto-venv.zsh, from:github, at:main


The plugin automatically detects if there is a venv or .venv directory in the current directory or its parent directories, and activates the corresponding Python virtual environment.

When you change directories, the plugin will automatically detect and activate the virtual environment. If the current directory does not have a virtual environment, but you are currently in an active virtual environment, the plugin will automatically deactivate the current virtual environment.

How it Works

The plugin uses the Zsh chpwd hook function to automatically call the auto_venv function when you change directories. This function recursively searches the parent directories until it finds a virtual environment directory or reaches the root directory or the user's home directory.



This plugin is released under the MIT license.